As a woman, I agree. It would be hard enough to send my sons, but to send daughters, it's just wrong. And men don't need tampons unless they are using them for nose bleeds.

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And if "They" ask me for one, then They will need it, for precisely that purpose! 👏

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RemovedMay 19
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Stop that

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Cute! -- tampons... But what about transgenders, do they need to use tampons or just pretend that they need them...........

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Trannys need psychiatric help.

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It's much bigger, it's a part of the globalists' depopulation plan.

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Tampons and pads are absolute necessities in a well- stocked first aid kit.

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ANOTHER reason boys become girls! SAFETY!

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Tucker is wonderful

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Always saying out loud what a lot of us are thinking.

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I am all in favor of woman doing jobs for equal pay as men, but as long as they can do the job, and military combat is not an option! Way to go Tucker! I love women and respect them immensely! Women have strengths in their hearts that us guys could never match. That's the way God designed each sex, to compliment each other. It's a GOOD THING! And should never be recognized or equated as WEAKNESS!

If you want to put a woman in military, let her work behind the battlefield in an explosion proof bunker manning a drone computer, etc. They should never be exposed to the actual battlefield. And let's face it! If there is a woman in our platoon, and she's been captured, she can compromise that whole platoon. Because other than that asshole pussy General, I can't think of many guys that wouldn't expose themselves in a battlefield scenario to save her life! I know I personally would do everything I possibly could to save her life! An entire platoon could go down in minutes because that's the way God made us, and it's within our nature to protect women, unless you're a deranged sadistic S.O.B. --- Just sayin'!

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I do love Tucker. I consider myself an old school feminist and agree with him on this 100% on this. Feminism was never about turning men into women, a strong woman wants a strong man. But forcing young mothers to go to war? That's craziness. There is nothing sadder on the planet than motherless kids. The general who thought that was so beautiful needs to spend some time around those kids, but chances are he doesn't think it was beautiful either but he didn't have the balls to say it.

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He needs to personally be sent to the front lines to do his wet work!!

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Tucker makes an important point, but I have a bigger problem with those who take animals into wars. We should never make animals combatants.

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People are far more important. But I do agree dogs should not be used. They get messed up for life.

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I hate those videos of mothers returning from ear to be reunited with their children. It makes me disgusted by my country, it is no longer fit for purpose if we are sending mothers to war.

During the lockdowns I tried to start a school and I wanted to have separate classrooms for the girls and the boys. The female veteran went off on me accusing me of sexism as if keeping them separate was putting men above women. She said that in her time in the military she had women who could run circles around the men. (This is not true, but being physically weaker does not make us less deserving of respect.) So I asked her how many women under her command were raped. She declined to answer.

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Well according to REDACTED NEWS, Germany is conscripting both men and women age 18+ . There is an agenda behind the entire gender isssue and perhaps war and depop is also included in that....


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This is one of the reasons that I love Tucker Carlson. I’ll take toxic masculinity any day ever some wimpy ass man who can’t stand up for his family. And sending women into battle? I guess you could debate that all day long, but I definitely think it’s wrong to celebrate this woman being dead. Now her children don’t have a mother. There’s nothing good or happy about that. But the military industrial complex and the warmongers and the greedy politicians will continue to promote it. Maybe that’s a conversation for another day.

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It's not that wimpy ass men "can't" stand up for their families. It's that they WON'T. Wimpy-assedness is an acquired trait, not something a male is born with. There is no wimpy-ass gene on the Y chromosome. It takes years of government schooling and vile advertising and soshul justiss pressure to create wimpy-assedness.

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May 19·edited May 19

So say all who defend their families as they should. I regularly razz men who refuse to walk in public armed. Boys should not have any responsibility.

And wives should carry too. Is a law GODLY OR LEGAL that does not allow you to defend your family?? The USA is deliberately being made a nation of victims. Glad to see many refuse and do defend. But COUNT how many men carry. V e r y f e w. WOMEN should refuse combat service.

Stand up and be adults. Buy, train and carry: it's the GODLY thing to do. www.OnlyJesusSaves.org

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Pointless wars meant for profit ☠️

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I have a problem with blanket statements that are used to cover all individuals. Some women cannot and/or should not become mothers. I also know a woman sniper who could out-protect most the men I know. (At least from a distance :) When I first entered college, Yale was not a choice - it did not admit women. When I went to my first job interview, women were given pink applications, men were given blue - I kid you not. The questions on the women’s asked how many words could be typed, the men’s did not ask that. My friend got a trainee position in a computer department and was paid half what the male trainees were paid - because "she might leave to raise a family" (which she never did).

Equal opportunity is important because it enables each individual to pursue their own course. Meritocracy. But it’s been corrupted and morphed into “equity" which means everyone is the same. Men and women are the same. No more meritocracy. Maybe the trans movement into women’s sports is just a step to end women’s sports. Because men and women are the same. Now that people can start to see the dark place this leads, I hope we can change course. But I hope we can protect individuality.

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May 17·edited May 17

As a veteran I have the deepest respect for the Ladies that have volunteered to serve and will never question motives or any "equality" issues. I mourn for this soldier and her children. We have evolved from hunter gatherers where the males went out for the food and females that bore the child raised the child. Women are much much more highly valued than men and should be, but society has gone crazy. This woke crap has got to go. ONLY women can continue life on earth. One man left after battle and 500 women mean there COULD be 500 children (not saying its a good idea but could). Reverse it to 500 women go to battle and 1 comes home to 500 men and there will be 1 baby at the end of the year and heaven knows how many men because they would all be fighting to see who gets to be the next daddy. The plan works as designed, not as social warriors and woke fools pretend it should be

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The point is, we are not deciding. Society is deciding for us through deception. Women can do whatever they want, but not when they’ve brought children into the world. That’s their 1st responsibility. I bet you’re thankful your mom didn’t volunteer for war & get killed for no reason.

Please don’t give me that “right wing” crap. Since you’re quick to throw out that label you’ve shown your hand and play a part in dividing our country.

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Omg.. war is for someones greed. Who isvit this time. They want to kill us all off for sure

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Absolutely true. But, read some of the other comments. It stuns me how idiotic some of them are.

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I just saw Harrison Butjer’s beautiful address on Greg Kelly Reports on Newsmax. Common sense and words of wisdom.

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Excellent speech.

Or biggest obstacle at the moment is for people to overcome the divide and conquer propaganda and recognize there is an enemy but it isn't our neighbor.

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May 17·edited May 17

As a former Navy line officer who served throughout Vietnam War, I am

TIRED of hearing the wailing and demands for equal rights from yapping females

YOU want equality?

Step up and enlist or shut up

THEY cannot have it both ways

Carlson needs to get on board also

I no longer have any time for him as he

wails "They lied to us"

NO they didn't Tucker, YOU just were too focused on a paycheck to step up to


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As a Vietnam veteran who served IN Vietnam we did not stop communism and we killed 250,000+ fine Americans and a whole lot of Vietnamese civilians and walked away. I watched friends die for nothing. I carried bodies by the dozen to the hospital for nothing. EVERYTHING Carlson said is true. Everything BOTH of them said is true. Our adventurism has won us nothing but more wars. I am disabled, my son is disabled (Desert Storm) and here we are again. I do not question why people want to join, we both did. I do question what equality there is with billionaires getting rich from wars that are seldom won. Both you and I have a right to our opinion but I wonder what has it got our Country and "Mankind" in general.

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She obviously did enlist and gave her life

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The elephant in the room on this topic isn't that a woman got her legs blown off in a foreign conflict. The elephant is that for the last hundred years United States military has been used to overthrow governments, steel natural resources and subsequently murder millions of people.

Read General Smedley Darlington Butler's 1935 book War is a racket. He lays out the game plan and it's only been put on steroids since.

They had to arrest Americans ability to think critically through public schooling because if they hadn't they wouldn't have as many order followers as they currently do.

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Agreed. The only person who I can think of who has even tried to uphold their oath to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States” is Bradley Fucking Manning. Shameful.

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Hear! Hear!

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Yes!!! Yes!!! Yes!!!


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No one “gives” their life in combat. It is TAKEN from them.

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And it's taken by the globalists who puppeteer our legislature and executive branch.

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I am speaking of a long litany of demands from a large # of females about


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The most irritatingly vocal women's libbers clearly want "equality" with the highly paid company executive class, which does not encompass most men in fact. Sounds more like "superiority" than "equality" to me.

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It only seems like superiority until you hear a female executive speak.

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I will just stick with my earlier. . .put up or shut up about equality

I am sick of hearing it.

It is as annoying as chicks who want more abortion laws for

'womens' healthcare'

I guess they are so mentally challenged, OR lazy (that would be my preference) that they don't recognize the two standards:

#1 keep your knees together

#2 if that is not possible and hook ups are your deal, then there have been

contraceptives around for quite some time


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So let me get this straight. Women and feminazis , including tradcon feminazis are now saying they’re not equal to men? They keep flip flopping on this issue depending on how dangerous the job/task is. Or how hard it is. Women and feminazis have preached for decades equality. And now the equality monster is smashing them. They wanted equality, and they’re going to get it good and hard. lol! Feminism is cancer. Feminism was always cancer.

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I agree with you. All of these women in the “ME TOO” movement, not one of them stood up against men in women’s sports. Men competing against women, completely unfair, taking their scholarships, taking their trophies. None of these feminist said one single word. You know what those women are? Virtue signaling hypocrites . Hot air and stupid idealism. I’ve been a traditional wife and mother for many years, although I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself. I was happy to fall into that role because it filled my heart and my family with love.

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Equal & equal opportunity are two different animals.

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