Hey, Hillary: The laughing imbecile shows exactly who she is. No one has to spread any words at all about her. Her disgusting behavior and attitude says everything.
Our eyes are open, hillary!!!!
Your surprise: keep it to yourself. We are true Americans who actually love our country and the strength of the constitution that is hindering your power hungry thieving and lying ways!
You and your non action for the Embassy.
You and your destructive “washing” information from the non secure computer.
Stand by your man, as Tammy W. would sing, years ago. Your husband was a sleaze ball, desecrating our White House. What an embarrassment you and your family and friends have been to this Great Country.
Yeah, we didn’t steal our way to financial wealth. We pay taxes, actually work to provide for our families, and you have the nerve to call me and my friends deplorable.
it will finally come out that the feds/ dems were in collusion with the would be assassins of Trump… and they will deny deny deny and say it’s a conspiracy…
Hillary's little speech is amazing - amazing in that it is all preparatory. She prepares you, the listener, to "watch out" for the evils that a pro-Trump message may bring, when the reality is that the message she "fears" is likely to be a truth bomb. She is greasing the wheel toward viewing such information as MIS- or DISinformation.
What she points a finger at, as always, is actually what SHE, and her Team, is doing, or preparing to do.
That is how the "Good Cop"/"Bad Cop" game is played! The RepubTurds are in on the fix with the DemonRats! Unfortunately We the People are the victims who are stuck in the middle of this sick and twisted game of poliTICS!! (TICS: Blood sucking Leeches)
Their time is on the short list at this juncture! We the people have had enough! And they know it! Be happy and encouraged that they are terrified!!! NCSWIC!❤️🇺🇸
Today clearly 72% of Cons in Con-gress are in bed with The CCP and Mexican Cartels. APEC resulted in Fentanyl shipments to Mexico. NAFTA now USMCA brought US Fentanyl DEATHS to the tune of 100,000 per year. What will it take for The American People to Revolt????
Hey, Hillary: The laughing imbecile shows exactly who she is. No one has to spread any words at all about her. Her disgusting behavior and attitude says everything.
Our eyes are open, hillary!!!!
Your surprise: keep it to yourself. We are true Americans who actually love our country and the strength of the constitution that is hindering your power hungry thieving and lying ways!
You and your non action for the Embassy.
You and your destructive “washing” information from the non secure computer.
Stand by your man, as Tammy W. would sing, years ago. Your husband was a sleaze ball, desecrating our White House. What an embarrassment you and your family and friends have been to this Great Country.
Yeah, we didn’t steal our way to financial wealth. We pay taxes, actually work to provide for our families, and you have the nerve to call me and my friends deplorable.
You too, show exactly who you are. Shameful!!!!
Applause!!! Thank you Deborah.
From the heart, John!!!!
"A vote for Kamala Harris is a vote for Dick Cheney.
It is a vote for A LOT more than Cheney
If the Nov election is 'won' by Harris, time to
stick a fork in America. . . .it is done
What is it going to take for this cunt to learn to shut her piehole?
Literally, NO ONE wants to hear her dystopian, grating voice ever again.
That looks like George Soros in a wig.
No Doubt Related.
it will finally come out that the feds/ dems were in collusion with the would be assassins of Trump… and they will deny deny deny and say it’s a conspiracy…
It is a conspiracy like all the theory's it's about to come true.
It’s pre-bunking with the old conspiracy theory weapon. https://open.substack.com/pub/garysuess/p/conspiracy-theorists-versus-conspiracy
Hillary's little speech is amazing - amazing in that it is all preparatory. She prepares you, the listener, to "watch out" for the evils that a pro-Trump message may bring, when the reality is that the message she "fears" is likely to be a truth bomb. She is greasing the wheel toward viewing such information as MIS- or DISinformation.
What she points a finger at, as always, is actually what SHE, and her Team, is doing, or preparing to do.
She is sharp.....the people need to be sharper!
She may be sharp for now but WTF happened her face?
Has she been hanging out with Gates?
Or Satanism
Lol....she preparing for "rot in hell" afterlife.
Body double!
October surprise--Kamala will "shape shift" into Hillary. 😁
Yup, one of the same...bush=clinton=obama=kamalalala
Oh no! Not the Dark Web 🤣
They always accuse the Republicans what they are guilty of!
That is how the "Good Cop"/"Bad Cop" game is played! The RepubTurds are in on the fix with the DemonRats! Unfortunately We the People are the victims who are stuck in the middle of this sick and twisted game of poliTICS!! (TICS: Blood sucking Leeches)
Their time is on the short list at this juncture! We the people have had enough! And they know it! Be happy and encouraged that they are terrified!!! NCSWIC!❤️🇺🇸
Today clearly 72% of Cons in Con-gress are in bed with The CCP and Mexican Cartels. APEC resulted in Fentanyl shipments to Mexico. NAFTA now USMCA brought US Fentanyl DEATHS to the tune of 100,000 per year. What will it take for The American People to Revolt????
I thought Hillary came out early for Halloween! What a nasty evil woman she is!
Pop a cap in Hillary ! Shut her stupid butt up !
What a corrupted old bitch! She should be in jail for killing all the people she has. Communist pos puppet of Obama, scumbags!
Fuck jail. Public execution. For her and the rest of the treasonous government.
By quartering.
When will the Clintons be put behind bars!?
They are going to have to play the fake alien invasion card sometime. Either that or the fake nuclear war. Or maybe both.
That’s what I heard David Wilcock say.
Nice pic you picked. Look at THE FEAR.
Those DS fucktards.
Are y'all ready for shit going OFF THE RAILS soon? It's comin...
Like East Palestine OFF THE RAILS? https://www.yahoo.com/news/toxic-chemicals-ohio-train-derailment-171802597.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly95YW5kZXgucnUv&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAFg24uwwUI3TIfY3WgLN8ZBjwKEwvbExF9jHiDVr83P2ZeNZU8I0MwKCDvZ0rCa_EKjC8nMKGbQGtbofCI2qEiHbz5HFol6oRIGwShIOcW45GtiZjGXpB-sNya54NYCCsOca-0-MBT2zS7_Csb78asYQyWh4FQ_-Y9MddiBstQSk
And who at the EPA lost their jobs over this “mushroom cloud?” ZERO! Not a soul!
Nah. That's just a piece.
Buckle up. Ground yourselves. Turn off your screens.
The Revolution will NOT be televised.
They've been planning it for 4 years and they're never afraid to lie
A good October surprise would be her demise.