Loved this interview, it's another reason Ice Cube is an honorary Screamer!

"Yeah, I'm not real good with direct orders"

I think that's the case for a lot of us.

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Actually I was always someone who “did what they were told...nice and obedient. Brainwashed to never give “authority” any problems.

But thanks to standing for what I believe in the last 5 years, it has given me the courage to go against the grain!

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I love hearing this Twinkle! I fall under the same boat. I am okay with taking orders when it's ethically and logically sound. But once you start harming people and undermining human rights, you'll never, ever get me to comply.

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Right---the idea is not that you do something because it is ordered to do so, but because you decided it was the right thing to do. Orders are OK for getting attention, but the actor always must take responsibility for the action, not the person giving the order (whose act of ordering involves its own responsibility and potential consequences).

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Jul 27, 2023
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The ultimate link is this: https://ultimatesurvivalfoods.com/book/

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Congrats! We have more fun :)

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We do! It’s kind of fun being a Rebel! ❤️

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5 years? What were you being asked to comply with in 2018?

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No. That was when I started to wake up to what most others couldn’t see was right in front of us.

It was good preparation for the Covid years.

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I think if you really examine your life, it will be longer than that. I knew in the eighties there was a slant and double standard in the media, I just never quite saw how far it went. I thought it was merely exaggeration or hyperbole to convince us that one way was the correct way and thst if you thought different you were callous and heartless.

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LOL -- Funny when he said, "Yea I heard them loud and clear" -- Loved his response!

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Amen. Request and I will consider it. Command and I will resist. I think that is in the genes of most Americans but particularly those whose families immigrated BEFORE America became "the land of opportunity."

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If the 💉 actually preserved health, it would've required NO COMPULSION. Success sells itself.

These tyrants are imbeciles.

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agree. I would add that hey set off millions of people's bs detectors with the bs tactics. These are people who otherwise may have taken the vaccine "just to be safe" even with the proof that it doesn't work.

my point... the tactics were more damaging than a pharmaceutical product that didn't work. At least dozens of past failures, and literally billions of storie of side effects doesn't seem to stop people from continuing to buy pharma products. All based on the evaluation that if there is any chance that the pros will outweight the cons --- I'M DOING IT!

I could be wrong about the tactics being more damaging... it was 100% the case in my situation. I got to the point that I would rather die than be forced even if the vaccine had been proven to be 100% effective every time.

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I agree fully, but only addressed their aggressive need to compel, not their methods.

Lamentably, most of the public have the attention span of a fruit fly, and even less reasoning prowess. Early CDC graphics clearly stated the miniscule risks(barring comorbidities).

Injecting ANY new and undertested technology/formulation for a pathogen with an infection fatality rate under 2%--and for which alternate, effective treatments readily exist!--is moronic or masochistic.

Your closing remark defines quite a few of us, I think. The more frenetic their push, the more galvanized my opposition.

As I see it, my Creator can decide my end, just as He did my beginnings. My fate isn't theirs to experiment with.

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Re "my Creator can decide my end, just as He did my beginnings."

Amen. And He has been saying to Christians (and the world) 'Don't take the vaccines'.


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Those pushing these toxins are known clearly by their “fruit”: widespread suffering and death the world over.

(Had these perpetraitors been innocent in ANY of this evil democide, they wouldn’t now seek to cover their tracks. It’s knowing and willful destruction, and nothing but!)

Psalm 91 conveys all we need to know. Amen.

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And especially if big pharma said it was proven to be 100% effective every time.

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BTW - I am 100% vaccinated except for covid. But now I've been scarred deepl for the rest of my life, and I've passed down my disdain to the next generation.

The govt-pharma partnership has destroyed... OBLITERATED ... my trust beyond repair. My senators in Utah are still essentially silent on the biggest crime, by several measures, in American history.

That's why I feel compelled to write three long comments from one article. I read one article and all the PTSD returns. I've really got to turn vigilant fox off. One stupid email can kill an hour of my time!

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Indeed, these miscreants have overseen a generation-wide estrangement from a public health delivery system that WILL NEVER REGAIN THE PEOPLE'S TRUST, but they appear, disturbingly, not to care.

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Indeed so. And those who took the shots were even more imbecilic. I managed to work out the basics of the COVID scam in June 2020 and I was slow compared to some.

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Do not have this resistance against God's commands. We obey Him for our good and His glory. I will praise God until my last breath here on earth. Praise God.

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those werent Gods commands , they were the commands of the evil WHO

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Praise ye the Lord.

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I remember after all the censoring happened, then the coercion (mandates), I had the thought, had pharma just been left to do traditional marketing with their own money (no govt help) , the % of people who got vaxed early on would have been higher than it ended up being. Guarantee it. People were scared, and on still are really scared in July 2023. No threats of losing their job, and no silencing necessary.

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Me thinks you're right

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Yep. The nwo nerds panicked and effed up. These psycopathic dweebs can scare the crap out of a bleating flock of sheep but couldn't manage a lemonade stand. Solution? Light your torches and grab your pitchforks, baby;'cause we are in for a bumpy fide.

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VERY good point. Husband and I claim 1620 for first of both our families(actually earlier for me with Grand Banks fishermen in1580's)...nobody behind us experienced Ellis Island.

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It's proven to be the case for the majority of those still alive.

Better a surviving dissenter, than a compliant corpse.

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I love it !

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And we supposedly don't have to be "compliers", because we don't live in a totalitarian socialist country, right? The problem is that now we increasingly DO live in a totalitarian socialist country, that has no respect for liberty and freedom, and only loves oppression and repression instead.

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The tragic irony is that the covid-deniers and anti-vaxxers are copying the behaviour of the elites and top politicians who also spent all of 2020 partying, having affairs, travelling and generally ignoring lockdowns, and spent all of 2021 opting out of the vax or taking fake jabs on camera (or saline).

The only people who actually believe in covid and took the vax for real are the TV watchers. The level of betrayal by those who got behind those podiums and told the public to take the vax, but didn't take it themselves ... it takes your breath away.

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Yup! Throw your cable box away! Evil just streams from it! I call it a TeleVectomy!

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I'm thankful Fox fired Tucker. He's now free to give us the truth on his own terms. Praise God.

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Thanks for this reporting, and kudos to Tucker Carlson and Ice Cube.

Relatedly-- since 2021 I have transcribed more censored and shadow-banned testimonies of covid jab injuries than I can count. Some of them are beyond horrific. This transcript from a video posted in 2022 is one of the relatively milder cases, ghastly as her suffering has been, but I thought she spoke very concisely, directly, and from the heart. I hope more people will hear, or at least read, what she had to say; she speaks for so many, many people.




Feb 12, 2022


MEL: OK, I just want to talk for a little bit. I got my Moderna vaccine on 12-21. On 12-22 my symptoms started. You know, I just thought it was from the vaccine, you know, just my body building up antibodies. Um, turns out it's not.

I have had, when I say headache, it's something I've never had before. I get, I used to get migraines, it is nothing compared to that. I can't do anything more than an hour without getting dizzy. Like I feel like my entire body inside of me is spinning. I get shaky, I can't drive, I can't play with my kids. [voice breaks]

And our voices, people like me will never be heard because it doesn't fit the agenda. They don't want the adverse reaction people to be heard, to have a voice. [crying; wipes away tears] Because the truth is, it can happen to people. Not a lot of people. I think that I probably have autoimmune issues and I just, I'm tire— so tired.

Everybody wants to push those mandates. But then there's people like me that don't realize, they might have had an autoimmune issue, not knowing it, getting this vaccine and having adverse reactions. Almost 8 weeks. And there are people with so many other stories that months, almost a year, their adverse reactions a lot worse than mine. It needs to be acknowledged. We need to be heard. [crying] I'm tired and I feel alone.

Just remember that not everybody can take vaccines, not everybody's body is OK with that reaction. Just let us be heard.



# # #


I found Mel's TikTok thanks to https://t.me/covidvaccineinjuries/

which posted another one of Mel's TikTok videos about her adverse reaction:


February 15, 2022


OK, I haven't had an update for a while, so I was just getting on here to let you know. Basically nothing has changed. I was supposed to go to an allergist slash immunologist and they don't take my insurance. Found that out two hours before I was supposed to go. I have a neurology appointment on the 28th, and I get an MRI of my head with contrast sometime next week. Again, I got the vaccine on the 21st, the 22nd I met with a massive headache, dizziness, shakiness, now is being continuous. And not much helps. And my dog has taken over my heating pad. OK. I hope everyone has a good day. Bye.



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Much thanks for all the written history. You are providing a great historical record.🙏

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Thanks for your kind words.

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It's so important to document the injuries and deaths. They are going to try and memory hole the entire thing and then rebrand it as 'long covid' (the new normal) or a new 'virus'... and then use it to justify more injections.

The people waking up and turning off their TV today need to be able to 'catch up' on what's really been going on the last few years.

You're doing valuable work :)

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Praying for you. Satan wants to keep you away from God. By allowing this to happen he wants you to question why God would allow this. I'm sorry but you can't understand the ways of God until you surrender to God. God is good always so please repent of yours sins and put your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Time is running out. Ask God to give you the faith to believe in Him. Praise God Almighty now and forever.

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Lisbeth, I am just the transcriber.

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Who would’ve thought a gangsta rapper would be someone I’ve grown to admire? This solidified that. Shows that we can all come together on this subject regardless of labels put upon us. It’s just The Good of Humanity vs Pure Evil Global Tyranny at this point. Great interview by Tucker again.

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Who would've thought a bow tie wearing pro Iraq Invasion preppie would be someone I've come to have some respect for lol

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Yeah! Upside Clown World never ceases to surprise.

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God uses all types of people to get His will done. He is good always.

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He truly “uses whomever He chooses”! Love it!

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Beautiful!!! Stand for your convictions even if you lose everything!

I’ve lost 2 jobs due to the Vax and we lost our home but I don’t regret it at all. I regret how people have treated me though.

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You have your health but who knows what the vaxx would have done to you. May God's will be done above all that the earth and mankind have to offer. And no I'm not politically correct and don't want to be. I belong to Christ and Him alone.

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God provides!

Psalm 91 tells us all we need to know on it.


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Have been reading through Leviticus; reached Chap 26 this morning. Frightening but just. "Do what I command you to do, or ELSE!"

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26 For if we go on sinning willfully after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, 27 but a terrifying expectation of judgment and the fury of a fire which will consume the adversaries. 28 Anyone who has ignored the Law of Moses is put to death without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses. 29 How much more severe punishment do you think he will deserve who has trampled underfoot the Son of God, and has regarded as unclean the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified, and has insulted the Spirit of grace? 30 For we know Him who said, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay.” And again, “The Lord will judge His people.” 31 It is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God. Heb 101;26-31 There is no fear with God.

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I hear you. I was shunned, etc. but I view it as their problem not mine. I continue to treat them with kindness and respect even if it's not shown to me. This was Christ's message and it works.

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I did lose everything in the past. My job, my home, my pets, all that I thought was important and valuable in my life. God did not leave me with an empty life. He filled it with the things that are more meaningful and more of Him, much more. I later lost my health and again God showed me how important He is to have. He has grown my faith exponentially and I couldn't be more grateful. It is a wonderful journey to walk with Christ and I praise Him for it.

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It is amazing how many similarities are in the stories of those who said no. He said no because it was his choice, his decision, about his body, and to be an example for his kids. I said no because God gave me assurance that what he had given me was all I needed, but I also needed to show my kids what it meant to sacrifice for what you believed in. I respect and admire the so many who stood true to their convictions and chose to not relinquish their inalienable rights. I don't judge those who said yes freely and willingly (though it pains me they likely did not make an informed choice), I am only saddened that so many condemned him, me and so many others because we refused to give up our rights, whether freedom of religion, freedom of medical choice, freedom of informed consent, or other. God bless you all. God's will be done.

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I knew our country was beyond repair when DeBlassio molested that cheeseburger for breakfast and it was not universally considered weird and a good reason to not get jabbed.

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On earth as it is in heaven

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For the many who vehemently decry the vax agenda similarities to Third Reich Germany, the striking comparisons continue to be inarguably obvious.

And now, the vax hesitant are vindicated, while the vax injured double-down, protecting their folly with prideful, militant denial.

Sad, all the way around.

Accountability is a moral imperative!

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Not disagreeing with you--but why is the term always "Vax 'hesitant'"? Why not vax-refusing? I never had any intention of taking it. Didn't even enter my mind--and I really don't know why (having pondered this at length for two years, I can only suppose it was His will--as I have experienced His hand on a number of occasions--and usually I recognize the 'interference' only long after the fact. --Oh--regarding my original rhetorical question--I have just realized that using the term 'hesitant' made us sound weak of mind and character. Actually, of course, the opposite was true--and that would damage the programmed narrative.

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I agree with EVERY point you very astutely make!

An interesting point in the discussion—beyond God’s perfectly protective role in the decision of believers who refused it!—is that “vaccine hesitant” rightly includes those millions who submitted to vaccination under extreme duress(nevertheless inexplicably, imho). Not only the refusers, but also the resistant, are now fully vindicated!

All aspects of the vaccine propagandization campaign clearly sought to divide in order to conquer. They created a rights-eradicating vaccination caste system, which has yet to be fully exploited. Name-calling and non-stop commercial ads denigrating refusal of distancing/masking/injections, vaccination cards, lack of freedom to enjoy public venues/free travel, “privilege” of continued employment—even rights to basic medical care!—became routine elements of the non-compliant dispossession.

Populations have this window of time to send an unmistakable message that it WON’T happen again. Our civil freedoms, once wrested from us, are gone forever.

Like you, I’m immeasurably thankful for immovable God-given discernment!


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I appreciate you Ice Cube buddy ! We didn’t take it either , and don’t regret one second !

It’s a killer and those responsible need to pay for it !

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Funny. My good buddy said the same thing 10 plus years ago about giving his kid shots.

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Astute answer. Of course anyone who invested just a little time to look at the infection fatality rate data knew, by mid 2020, that COVID posed no meaningful risk of mortality for the vast majority (zero for healthy youngsters). Submitting to injection with a radical new technology that had no medium or long term track record or testing, and had never been used as a vaccine (even on livestock), was clearly a hard no, absolutely not!

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Best lines are that those that command the jab or profit from it suffer no consequences but anyone taking the jab suffers all the consequences

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LIke my friend who hasn't been able to speak or swallow since Pfizer #2. Needs a feeding tube and 24hr care as it progressed to full paralysis :(

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O dear….

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Great stuff

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It's not so much that they're wrong as it is them straight up lying.

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Absolutely!! And for that there ought to be outrage everywhere....

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These last three years were something crazy. One thing that came out from it though was people starting to look deeper into the whole "virus" thing.

"Why get a vaccine if a virus may not even EXIST?"

People started looking into all sorts of things and we see that "Scientism" creates this world around us and tells us that this fabricated world is "safe."

Kudos to Cube man! Here's some articles on scientism and the world it creates for us:



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You’re right to doubt evolution, dinosaurs, viruses, and space missions. But don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater: we do live on a globe.

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Haha! I used to say the same thing... but then I realized something, we've been taught the earth is round since birth, we wouldn't know what a flat earth looked like if we stared at it in the face.

Strongly recommend this article, "how a flat earth can appear round"


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My then 45yo smart son drank the Kool-aid & wanted me to get the jab. I had already had serious questions when it came out...#1 how quickly, especially since it was a virus in the family of the common cold which had never ever been able to have a vaccine! I had never had a flu shot & didn't get the flu! When my son implored me to get it, I said, as I had done, I have gone online to each of the vaccine manufacturers and each one of them recommends not getting the jab if you have had incidents of anaphylaxis. I had from bee stings & an allergy to pineapple! No way at age 76 was I going to risk my health to a vaccine that had no credible trials & no liability for harm nor death!

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Penelope, would you care to give us an update on your son's attitude regarding you and shots at this point? Should I assume that he took at least 3 shots?

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and van morrison got slammed for not taking it. made an album from that.

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Yea Eric Clapton as well

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eric took the vax

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and even even told about the problems he encountered. very sad

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Easy to be "brave" if you have lots of dough, but most people weren't (aren't) in this fortunate position. But good that Ice Cube sought to defend himself and family and gave good, sensible reasons for rejecting the experimental jabs which have had such devastating consequences for so many.

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