Mister Rogan, there is a vast difference between "f*cking insane" and deliberately planned out.

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Agreed! US Directed Energy Weapon incinerated the place.

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Possibly East Palestine was a sacrificial lamb to seed “accident” in the public mind before Maui. Either way, both communities got screwed.

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Somebody's did with "US" ok.

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Yes. I see this as deliberately planned out--as part of the plan of the UN 2030 land grab across the world. It is the same group that has been trying to sneak past us the NACs--the Natural Asset Companies that the SEC tried to introduce on the NY stock exchange. The UN is working overtime to make Klause Schwab's prophesy come true--that "You will own nothing and you will be happy." You WILL BE HAPPY OR we will lock you in a "15 min city" with no rights, no car, no money--unless we digitally give you access to it for good behavior.

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Think about this. A recent release report from the Lancet states:

“A peer-reviewed study in Forensic Science International found that 73.9% of post-COVID-19 vaccination deaths were directly caused by or significantly contributed to by the injections”!

This study was blocked, censored whatever you choose to call it but nevertheless, this is a staggering number of deaths from the “Bioweapon Injection’s”!

Couple this statistic with what Klaus Schwab said, “by 2030 you’ll own nothing and be happy” and a dark, very dark picture comes into focus!

If these numbers are accurate as they seem to be, then by simple math nearly 5.3 billion people will be dead around 2030! Thereabouts! Give or take a few years! What’s the difference right?

Is it at all possible what Rogan is saying and what’s actually happening are one and the same? It seems like everything happening has been methodically planned and deliberately executed to eradicate earth’s populace!

I pray I’m wrong and someone can convince me otherwise. It seems as though everything is being done with the thought process or lack there of because it won’t matter!

Food for thought is an incredibly disturbing and dangerous place “We the People” and people of the world are facing!

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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That’s exactly what’s happening. Welcome to our world where we live the existential crisis deliberately caused by the Deep State.

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I can’t agree more with you FillyGee. In my four years of extensive research into COVID, the monster in the closet, how deliberate and intentional, those involved knew what the end result would be, “Death and Disability”!

And to make matters worse and because Death and Disability wasn’t evil enough they’ve doubled down on overwhelming America and the American people with an absolute dangerous border invasion from every country on earth. Forcing the American taxpayer to fund their / our own demise!

Thank you FillyGee, there plan to collapse America isn’t finished nor are they!


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It is so frustrating that we the people essentially have no way of banding together to demand that the folks of the US be taken care of before any funds go elsewhere. The administration is very aware that we out number them and that we completely disagree with them on most issues, therefore the concerted efforts at suppressing communications via online platforms. We need a way to link arms and demand reform.

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When those kids in Charlottesville, try to protest because they were losing their jobs people call them racist, and attack them. The government sent papers with Nazi uniforms that had nothing to do with them. They were protesting because they kept losing their jobs as white men. They had every right to protest. But look what happened to them. Any of us try to link arms you’ll see what happens.

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Yep, and look at what has been done to innocent people that were in DC on January 6th. People assembled to make their voiced be heard and many are still in the DC gulag to this day without a day in court, others received extreme sentences and the FBI was still storm trooping into people's homes just a month or so ago.

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Friends of ours had no fewer than 12 SUVs with the whole

MEN in BLACK thing, plus helicopters coming for their 17 year old J6 kid. He’s been going through this for years now and the parents have to sell their dream home and other things to make ends meet due to lawyer fees. The kid broke


hurt no one.

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It's infuriating and sick what is being done to people by this corrupt lawless government.

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That is exactly what the installed power counts on! Folks being afraid of what will happen to them. It’s Not the time to be afraid of the bad guys!

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I agree completely. I'm just telling you that the general public has been beaten down and are being forcefed a narrative to keep them in line.

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I totally get it, Brenda and it’s easier for something than others. There are some people who are just starting their careers and other people who are retired who it doesn’t matter as much. I mean, they don’t even let people call their lawyers. They just put you in jail and throw away the key!!! It’s not hopscotch!! Look what bush did to us with that patriot act. We thought that was going to be used on bin Laden not average Americans who want to protest it’s sickening!! If they steal the election again, what will people do? Sit around and get more diabetes while watching Netflix?! I don’t know, but it’s horrible

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Nonetheless we need to, it’s time to be brave and stand up or we are no better than the folks who stood by and let people be dragged to their death by the nazi’s. It’s our responsibility to get us back on track for our kids and grandkids! Damn the torpedoes full steam ahead as it were.

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Exactly right now

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I think we’re way past linking arms and demanding with words. There will be bloodshed.

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That kind of thinking is exactly what is wrong in our country. Violence fixes nothing and destroys everything.

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I didn’t say I was hoping for violence; it is inevitable. That’s the way governments want it. They profit from it. Sanctimonious are you?

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Land grab for rich as well as preserving the area for those rich like Oprah.

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The terrifying thing is that it appears that all of the mistakes were designed not only for property destruction, but to send residents to their deaths. No alarms? No Water? Roads closed by the Police, preventing safe egress? Sending people toward the flames instead of the ocean? These are deliberate criminal acts. I cannot believe that these were somehow independent moments of shear incompetence, as the collective consequences were obviously intended.

Then supplying money to foreign nations, illegal immigrants, and to foreign entities but not to American citizens in Maui!

Here it is, if you conclude from all of the evidence that the CV19 vaxxine is a bioweapon, NIH/CDC hospital protocols were designed to kill not to save patients, Maui was a deliberately set fire intended to facilitate the land grab, and genocide, then you must conclude two things:

1. Our government wants to kill USA citizens who know their rights, and

2. Our government wants to steal our property and land and convert it to ownership for their corporate donors/owners with plenty of money returned to every level of government, local, state, and federal.

This is much easier to do if we are dead.

Refuse to cooperate with the evil agenda.

Say NO to absolutely every suggested or mandated vaccine, medical protocol, or any other illegal government orders.

If the police/security officers order you to go back up into a building next to a building hit by a large airplane (happened on 9-11), if your doctor tells you the ‘science’ is that vaxxines are ‘safe and effective’, if the cops order you to turn around and go back through the flames:

Orders do not equal laws.

Mandates of medical treatments or medications are not legal, under the Nuremberg code.

Smile and say NO Thanks.

Turn around and leave.

Go through or around any road block.

Do what your heart and brain tells you to do.

Your life and the lives of your family are at stake.

Those who followed orders died or were injured.

Those who followed their own decisions lived.

God Bless you all, let us join together to stop the evil Satanic agenda.


PS. Our government is so corrupt it needs to be radically reformed based on the US Constitution, bureaucrats and public employees need to adhere to the law or the land or be fired, all local, state, and federal entities must rescind and remove all unConstitutiinal illegal laws and rules and regulations.

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The whole thing with them deliberately pushing people back into the fire was no coincidence. They killed those people and stole their children.

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Brilliantly said. Thank you

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We have heard nothing about the missing kids??? Was that a hoax as well??? These people are sick!

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I keep repeating myself here on this platform that republicism is the worst form of government. I mean, they are all bad. But, with a Republic, you get extreme corruption.

I get all kinds of vitriolic comments and arguments from the ill-schooled and non-opened-minded patriots. I understand it's hard to hear because we've been pounded with propaganda for decades. America is the best; we're a democracy, they say. Well, in reality, America has turned into a war-mongering empire. We cannot survive the monetary costs of endless wars.

From the brilliant world of the founding fathers, which we celebrated yesterday, till today, America is not the same nation. The primary reason is the Federal Government that was initially set up to be small but now is massive. And the people responsible are the representatives. That's the problem. A representative government is a breeding ground for corruption.

If the people want to be self-governing, then the people need to be involved every day. Instead, we turned over decisions to a third party. That party is self-serving and power-hungry. Nothing they do is a benefit to the people. Once we understand this then maybe we can make some changes.

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I understand some of where you are coming from and some of where those who give yo vitriolic comments are coming from.

I believe that both sides have been, to a large extent, misled.

There is a saying that has been around for multiple decades: "Those that forget history are bound to repeat it." Before getting all upset, stop and listen. Both sides have very likely been fed a lie or a line of lies that is designed to keep the sides from joining together because when we are separated, it is easier to control us all.

The first step to understanding the real problem is to look behind the history curtain. That is not easy because history is not contained in the majority of current history books. There will be "some" history, but not near enough "real history" to give you a good basis for making important decisions.

If you could find original, old history books from the last half of the 19th century they read completely different than more modern history boos read. Read carefully, the light will begin to dawn and a clearer path forward will start to be seen.

Rule Number One: Realize that 95% or more of what is considered the real news today is just the mixture of lies and truth to keep everyone confused and separate.

Rule Number Two: Always do a deep dive into areas that seem to not quite follow the prevailing narrative.

Starting with these two rules will allow a breakthrough in understanding "why" and "how to move forward."

Since you have no way of determining if I have gone through steps one and two above, just research this: In your comment above there are mentioned two forms of government. Both forms are listed in a manner that may not be able to be supported by the true historical facts!

Until the true historical facts are researched and understood by everyone, the results will always be a battle by two ideas, neither of which can be supported by the real historical facts the "men behind the curtain" have cleverly hidden from most Americans.

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Yes, that's correct, and history comes from not just books. There are plenty of places where historical records display government decisions. For instance, the issuance of coinage. This area has a vast record of the decline and fall of the government, especially when they debased the value of money. It is a fascinating history.

But this fact remains. All republics have the same history and follow the same path. Rome was the actual first republic, and we know that America was modeled after many aspects of Rome. What is happening in America today can be correlated with past events of republics because human nature stays the same. And again, the representatives crashed the Roman Republic.

Change, or fixing issues, never happens because the general public is too invested in other things like sports or careers, etc. It is when conditions become so concerning that they come off the couch and want answers to why issues occur. This is where real revolution begins, and changes can become reality. Right now, many think voting one way or another will change things for the better. And that is the politician's dream.

If we want real change our hands need to get dirty.

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Your last line is exactly right. But a populace whose brains have been dulled through lipid nanoparticles and bio weapons and who is systematically being slowed down by the addition of linoleic acid in our food supply has been disabled from clear thought. They have turned us into a generation of fatties with cognitive decline. Our youth are hoodwinked into obsessions with gender issues. Do you think we have any fighters there? The military is woke. Where exactly are the fighters?

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There are plenty of hands getting dirty and from many different parts of teh country and specializing in many different aspects of change..

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It's a small community. This is why real revolution is rare. It takes a good chunk of people. We see small changes here and there, but it's limited. We can't even get Congress to get rid of daylight savings time. A bill is sitting collecting dust. Let alone term limits, that will never happen. We must eliminate the representation, and that means a massive change in government. And that will take a lot of fed-up people. We are getting closer. The push for digital money, taxes on unrealized gains, like your home, and drafting women in the military are ideas very close to becoming real. Things like these can enrage people, and they finally wake up.

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"From the brilliant world of the founding fathers..."

That's the story, but how true is it?

"...the Federal Government that was initially set up to be small..."

I'll need a decent reference for that otherwise I'm going with the antifederalsts who worked against the consolidation (and usurpation) of power with the creation of the federal gov. Many of them argued that it would turn out to be a monstrosity and I would argue they were quite prescient.

If you want to have a little fun by provoking a bit of vitriol, hit 'em with stuff like this.:

“The Constitution looked fairly good on paper, but it was not a popular document; people were suspicious of it, and suspicious of the enabling legislation that was being erected upon it. There was some ground for this. The Constitution had been laid down under unacceptable auspices; its history had been that of a coup d'état.

“It had been drafted, in the first place, by men representing special economic interests. Four-fifths of them were public creditors, one-third were land speculators, and one-fifth represented interests in shipping, manufacturing, and merchandising. Most of them were lawyers. Not one of them represented the interest of production — Vilescit origine tali. (the dice were loaded from the start)

Albert Jay Nock, Liberty vs. the Constitution: The Early Struggle


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You're correct. Although compared to the Monarch of the time, it was a significant change for the better. Today, I'm not sure that can be true. Nothing gets done unless the rich are involved. The Magna Carta was developed between Land Barons and Lords and King John. The ordinary people eventually benefitted. Trickle down the law, I guess.

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Please read about Shays' rebellion and remember what happened to those who did the actual fighting. Then think of who got rich by buying up the Continental currency for pennies on the dollar only to be able to "cash in" at a much higher rate than they paid after the con-stitution was imposed.

Would it be too far fetched to wonder if the "founders" (those who imposed the constitution on "us") knew all along what would happen? The people got screwed twice, first by the currency speculators then again when the new centralized government made the speculators whole. It happens all the time; think of how many times the taxpayers, through the "federal" government, paid to bail out this or that bank, Wall Street, or to subsidize some huge corporation and what not either directly or indirectly.

IOW, it smells to me that the federal government may have been formed, inter alia, to fleece the people every which way while enriching the rich. Anything else seems to be just a romantic myth, and oversimplified to boot.

You are correct that nothing (big) gets done, crimes included, unless the rich are at the controls and we're always regaled by some supposedly useful or philantropic pretext. The hideous monstrosity under which the productive classes have suffered for nearly two and a half centuries is irredeemable either through revolution or not. The so called revolution was nothing of the sort, but to the extent that it was, it was co-opted out of the gate.

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That's human nature. All these things have occurred in every era. There were also small windows where briefly systems worked. An example is Caesar crossing the Rubicon. But, they were short-lived because of this; the human desire to gain power or profit.

This is why the Bible states that man rules man to his ruin. When you go beyond American history, far more nasty events occurred during every government. There were literally a handful that benefited the populace and a small number of Kings who were pragmatic and wise enough to create a peaceful period. But again, they are rare.

The problem with the new American system was the representative. The founders did not limit the term because they were looking to be a representative or were already in the Continental Congress. So yeah, there were flaws, but for a period, it generally worked. But look, no system is sustainable; human nature won't let it.

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These lands that have been going all over the world by the oligarch globalist elite who run the central banks, Bis world bank IMF and NGOs are all given immunity starting with Harry Truman,

Have been doing land grabs for the last 30 years, the most beautiful places on the earth, especially in the western world the Altil Mountains were taken a beautiful sanctuary for the elites also why Crimea is so heavily debated with the Ukraine war. That was one of their sanctuaries.

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Jeremiah 17:9 reminds us, “The heart is deceitful and beyond cure. Who can understand it?”

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Why? To enrich the Kabal the NWO! The Nazi 4th Reich main nest is in Ukraine the white Supremacists!

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Forget the Nazis. At least they were nominally anti-Commie. Thier biggest crimes were that they were in bed with Rockefeller and they colluded with some of the Zionist factions.

Anything else is old Commie wartime propaganda.

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And a bit on Kamala Harris…

3+ years ago -- America Without Trump (very “antisemitic”)

NOTE: There is a HUGE difference between Jews in general and Zionists.

Don’t equate the two !! If you do - you are same racist piece of shit as Zionists and Nazis…


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Because we implanted Z who was an actor making videos in high heels and lipstick swinging his penis around > degenerates @ the helm. Biden is the flaccid amoral thing they use to hide.

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Wait until “the big one” destroys all housing in CA

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I still haven’t hear what happened to kids that were missing?! Have they been found yet? The whole world should be up in arms over that. How many of us would volunteer to have our kids taken away ?? Can you imagine what the parents are dealing with even now?

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Excellent also, VDH on unelected power, how the left (that claims to champion 'democracy') bypassed legislative process, uses administrative directives to push through policies on immigration, student loan debt, & border security, undermining democratic principles ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G8sDNtU8iWo

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We see it throughout the world that most governments and agencies designed to work for us, keep us safe or healthy have subscribed to wealth redistribution, harm to the death and hardships. The Covid Scam was used to begin the Great Reset and the unelected puppet masters have made it clear the world is overpopulated and that they want complete control and ownership over everything and everyone. We’ve seen the lengths these evil elites will go to making up criminal charges poisoning to the death millions while making safe, cheap and effective therapeutics illegal. Keep us sick make life unaffordable, unsustainable they’ve clearly told us You’ll Own Nothing And Be Happy they are constantly taking freedoms away. The WHO just succeeded with more control over mandates and creating plandemics and say they expect to get everything they were wanting by the end of the year. Clearly our governments are not there for our well being or protection

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Good comment, but the Great Reset started even before Malthus started mouthing off ~1798.

The crackpots have pretty much always had too much publicity and power.

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