A Song in the Heart

“The Lord is my strength and song, and He has become my salvation.”

— Exodus 15:2 🙏

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Putting the dots together is a challenging endeavor because of the subterfuge engaged by the governments, particularly the security agencies.

But here is one piece of information that helps begin the process. The 2020 election was a soft coup navigated In Congress by using J6 as the pretense to stop any state from objecting to Congress verifying the election. If states objected to the certifying process, the election results would most assuredly head to the Supreme Court.

Who was heading this soft coup? It was Neocons in the State Department, the Security Agencies, and some members of Congress from both political parties.

The purpose was to keep antiwar Trump out of office and to ramp up wars, the war in Ukraine particularly. That goal by the Neocons is still in place, and they have moved their tactics to keep Trump out with assassination attempts. I would expect another attempt and or a significant conflict starting sooner or before the election to trap Trump in a war in the event he wins the election.

Hopefully, this helps answer some questions and makes more sense of the nasty machinations of these political heathens.

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Astute analysis. Will ‘they’ ultimately succeed, I wonder? Failure doesn’t appear to be an option.

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These Neocons are really empire builders in disguise. Their brand of imperialism is centered in this warped allegiance to American democracy, whatever this is, something like Iraqis throwing flowers at the feet of soilders liberating them from Sadam. That's how they think, and what I just wrote is documented. They really thought the invation of Iraq would create a parade like what happened in France during that liberation. These people are sick creatures

These Neocons now have an administration that will sign off on anything. There's no cabinet head; that is the president's job, and he's never there, physically and mentally. Harris provides the same level of stupidity, and this is the reason the Neocons want her in power: because they will use her just as they used Biden.

They have never been so close to controlling the US and its military as now; they won't go down quietly. Hence, the reason for the assassination attempts. Trump should win, but I don't know if he gets in power. Some kind of manufactured event may derail his election. I know this: half the country will be furious, and civil unrest will become a reality.

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Sounds correct

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Here's another thing Assange said in 2011 which applies to all wars, but especially those in the Middle East and Ukraine:

"The goal is to use Afghanistan to wash money out of the tax bases of the US and Europe through Afghanistan and back into the hands of a transnational security elite. The goal is an endless war, not a successful war."

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Once one fully understands the who, what, where, when and how of it all the big picture comes into clear focus.

In my view that’s why most don’t see the big picture because they are missing some of the most important pieces of the puzzle.

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was glad to be reminded about the story about Assange which I have somewhere in over 200,000 emails [I started with stories about Clinton then my computer died & I then picked up stories with Bush Jr then Obama].

FBI invaded Assange's office, loud & without warning, and frightened his staff with threats and screaming and stole a lot of files before they left. This one about the CIA I had from about 15 years ago, when the CIA grabbed him, threw him in a van like a violent criminal, and put him in some underground gulag for weeks before we heard any more news of him. FBI invaded his office and frightened his staff with threats and screaming and stole a lot of files before they left. There was a citizen video showing him being put in the van and further stories from whistleblowers.

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Your computer is not the only thing/one that died after stories about Clinton....

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Pompeo, Barr and Pence masquerade themselves as Christians, but there is nothing Christian about their actions. They are wolves in sheep's clothing!

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I hate America and I'm an American!

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That's the problem...

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Most don't understand that William P Barr began his career at the CIA 1971-1979. William P Barr aka Robert Johnson is identified in Terry Reed & John Mullins book COMPROMISED circa 1990's. Chapter 17 "The New Covenant" discusses Terry's very first face to face with Robert Johnson at an underground "Bunker Meeting" in Little Rock, Arkansas at Camp Robinson.


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As usual, the empire won; Assange paid more than a pound of flesh for revealing the empires crimes.

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Keep talking JA! Tell it all!

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https://search.brave.com/search?q=wars+ongoing+while+Trump+was+president&source=web&summary=1&summary_og=f283466797567e4f9ab9cc :

wars ongoing while Trump was president

During Donald Trump’s presidency, the United States was involved in several ongoing wars and military conflicts. Here are some of the key conflicts:

1 War in Afghanistan: The war in Afghanistan, which began in 2001, continued during Trump’s presidency. The US military presence in Afghanistan was increased under Trump, and the conflict remained ongoing.

2 War in Iraq: The war in Iraq, which began in 2003, also continued during Trump’s presidency. The US military presence in Iraq was reduced under Trump, but the conflict remained ongoing.

3 War in Syria: The US military intervention in Syria, which began in 2014, continued during Trump’s presidency. The US launched airstrikes against ISIS targets in Syria and maintained a military presence in the country.

4 War in Yemen: The US military involvement in Yemen, which began in 2002, continued during Trump’s presidency. The US provided military support to the Saudi-led coalition fighting the Houthi rebels in Yemen.

5 War in Libya: The US military intervention in Libya, which began in 2011, continued during Trump’s presidency. The US maintained a military presence in Libya and conducted airstrikes against ISIS targets.

6 War in Somalia: The US military involvement in Somalia, which began in 2007, continued during Trump’s presidency. The US conducted airstrikes and special operations missions against al-Shabaab and other terrorist groups in Somalia.

Notable Incidents and Events

• Syria: Trump launched airstrikes against Syrian government targets in response to a chemical weapons attack in 2017.

• Iran: Trump ordered the assassination of Iranian General Qasem Soleimani in 2020, leading to a surge in tensions between the US and Iran.

• Yemen: Trump authorized a military strike that killed several Iranian-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen in 2019.

• Afghanistan: Trump announced a peace deal with the Taliban in 2020, which aimed to end the US military presence in Afghanistan.

Key Statistics

• Casualties: According to the Pentagon, 65 US service members died in combat during Trump’s presidency.

• Military Spending: The US military budget increased during Trump’s presidency, with a peak of $721 billion in 2020.

• Terrorist Attacks: The US experienced several terrorist attacks during Trump’s presidency, including the 2018 Pittsburgh synagogue shooting and the 2019 El Paso shooting.


Donald Trump’s presidency was marked by ongoing military conflicts and interventions in several countries. While Trump’s foreign policy was characterized by a focus on national security and a willingness to use military force, his presidency also saw a number of significant military incidents and events that had far-reaching consequences.

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We can’t have the truth! It creates minds that think and question.

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I love how people like Byron Donald conveniently ignore the fact that the entire year 2020 was under President Trump and incalculable amounts of money were printed / borrowed, thank you Federal reserve, out of thin air contributing to today's days inflation.

Let's not forget he did nothing to alleviate the destruction of small businesses despite Dr Scott Atlas and others explicitly telling him he needed to open the economy.

I'll likely vote for Trump but I'm under No Illusion that the financiers allowing him to run a campaign our financing Kamala as well. We the people have no say.

Work locally starting with your Sheriff. A Grassroots, bottom up effort is our only option if we're to arrest this 120 year long despotic slide into dystopia.

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It's all because of the farting cows.

Four stomachs, four times the farting power.

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