I think the hepatitus shots are to destroy a baby's gut microbiome. No healthy gut microbiome means it's more difficult to fend off all of the other diseases and pathogens they're injected with later. I truly believe this is a coordinated effort to destroy humanity. It's difficult for a healthy person with empathy to even wrap their head around the level of sociopathic behavior we're talking about. Any normal person would think that surely they would never want to harm a baby. Look at how they're pushing to legalize full-term abortion, and you'll have your answer as to what these people are capable of.

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This is how we can make sense of the level of evil;

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." Ephesians 6:12

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The school boards should be held criminally liable for all harms from their policies.

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What about parents ? For me that’s where the buck stops. Without their consent none of this would be possible.

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the "free" gift of public education was just the lure into a trap. I pray for the parents too.

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Very true. But resign yourself to home schooling.

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I have been assuming that they give it to babies on the first day of life to hide vaccine adverse events. If your baby was happy and content for several days, and then they gave it a vaccine and the baby started screaming incessantly, people would know the baby was injured by the vaccine. But if they give it to the baby right away, no one will ever know that the vaccine injured the baby. Everyone will just blame the injury on "colic" or just being a "fussy baby".

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I like the way you think.

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They get the new Mother HOURS after giving birth. She is EXHAUSTED! IF the new mother protest she gets met with "THIS IS GOVERNMENT MANDATED" She is not in any condition to fight against her government. Then she is pretty much conditioned to accept further shots as Brandy said she never knew what her child would have been like if they got no shots.

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They do this ... because it is necessary:

Why Don’t They Discourage Bad Dietary Choices and Stop Vaccinating?

Consider the impacts on the economy of not reducing the life spans of humans.

Let’s say 30% of the population of a country lived beyond 90 years. Pension plans would implode as there would not be enough money to cover redemptions. For those on public pensions, we could raise taxes to ensure pensioners get paid, but that would mean less money for schools, roads and other infrastructure. Government services would need to be dramatically scaled back resulting in huge job losses.

All of these elderly people would essentially be ‘useless eaters’ sapping the economic strength of the country to provide them with medical care and free bus passes, while they produce and contribute nothing.

Why did they ramp up the vaccine schedule in the 80’s? I would suggest that they did this because population (which grows exponentially) was about to get out of control so they needed to take action. What would our overall population be if not for the vaccine push and the dramatic increase in the availability of processed foods in recent decades?

You are Expendable

At the end of the day all they care about is having enough circus and barnyard animals to operate the farm. They could care less about you or your health - you are EXPENDABLE.

They most certainly do not want one third of the population living to 90+ Japan and China are prime examples of what happens when a country is top heavy on elderly citizens. Too few young people to support the elderly.

Without these wise decisions by the Men Who Run the World to deploy strategies to cull the herd, the global economy would have collapsed years ago under the dead weight of too many geriatrics.


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I get your channeling their reasoning, but the problem is this: money isn’t real. That’s where the whole spell begins. If you accept the validity of money as the measure of things, then you will remain inside their matrix, slaving in the shadows of their pyramids. We are more than capable of providing a decent standard of living to every man, woman, and child on this earth, and there is nothing stopping us from doing so except the garbage between our ears, which is mostly their spell, their sorcery. It’s the creature from Jekyll Island, the green witch from Babylon. They create all the wars. They fabricate our reality and tell us how to measure it. They invert the world and hire us to kill each other. They own this world, but we make it so easy for them to do so it’s hard to know who to blame.

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Well said.

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I am not channeling anything.

They are doing their best to control population ... it's a difficult job --- you kill too many and the global economy collapses.... you don't kill enough and you accelerate the plundering of affordable resources (particularly energy) and the global economy collapses (high priced resources destroy growth ... and collapse economies)

We need to thank them for managing our demise and ensuring we squeeze out as many years as possible

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No one pushes "to legalize full-term abortions". Later term abortions are done when a child is non-viable, is dying in utero, thus endangering the mother's health. Be grateful we can now save these women from sepsis, in older days they would have died a painful death.

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The marxist left is not pushing for abortion at term because of this reason. They are pushing infanticide as “choice” and “reproductive freedom” regardless of the age of the baby in the womb.

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They are making millions on the aborted tissue

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Yes they are. Anne Mcelhinney has a Substack article (parts 1 and 2) “What They Don’t Want You To Know About Abortion.” She and her husband did the excellent, albeit disturbing, movie Gosnell; exposing the convicted abortionist Kermit Gosnell.

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Abortions should be legal, performed in hospitals and specialized clinics, by properly educated , experienced, doctors and nurses only.

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So what do you propose to do with this tissue, resulting from a medical procedure ? Bury it in the backyard ? To use the tissue for medical research requires the woman's consent. It is legal. Planned Parenthood is not "making millions". Money is made by the companies who process these tissues into vials with specific cells to sell to Universities and research institutions. Some of the research: macular degeneration, muscular dystrophy, leukemia, Hodgkin's lymphoma, Parkinson's disease. Making these donation illegal in the US will cause a big problem as the tissue then need to be imported - without any confirmation how/where it was sourced.

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You are insulting many women, and their partners, who had to go through this painful experience.

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No I am not insulting anyone faced with this horrible decision nor am I denigrating parents who have gone that route. I also know parents may be told one thing and the baby is perfectly fine when the parents decline abortion for those reasons. But the marxist left is not pushing it because they “care” about mothers, fathers, and babies. Their goal is to destroy the nuclear family.

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Please start watching another television channel.

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Last I heard this is America with our First Amendment rights. Have a great evening and go troll elsewhere.

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So do you support aborting (killing) a baby up to the day of birth

The democrats Party elites do

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No one supports this. The "many after birth abortions" exists mainly in the feverish brains of some talk show hosts and a few anchors on cable channels - desperate for advertising $$.

The truth is the opposite. It is currently possible to perform surgeries in utero to save the life of a baby or to prevent it from being handicapped. Babies with lower ages of gestation are now viable because of new treatments, equipment, techniques, medications, etc.

Pregnancy, birth, has always been full of risk for baby and mother. Thanks to modern medicine that risk has gone down considerably. If you say that modern medicine has in some ways gone too far, e.g. thinking every illness can be prevented if we vaccinate enough, you have a point. A serious, matter-of-fact, discussion is needed about the new risks that were introduced and are still being introduced. Much research is done, much more needs to be done. But accusing people interested in this issue of supporting baby-killing, not a productive way to go.

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The importance of the gut-biome is underrated. Only recently have studies begun looking into the connection between brain and gut. Autism research is already going there. Maybe the destruction of certain gut flora is a main reason some children never recover from certain vaccinations. No one is doing this on purpose. Any study involves a measure of indoctrination.

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Autism researchers why don’t they want to look at the plethora of vaccines and their effect on babies and young kids, using the Amish as your control group.

As Jack Nicholson once proclaimed “you can’t stand the truth”!

Why do we inject day old babies with a vaccine that prevents transmission of a sexual disease or getting stabbed by an infected needle

Also why are all babie’s eyes slathered in Chlamydia salve even if the mother doesn’t have the bacteria present on her body (less than 1% of mothers have this when giving birth)

Follow the damn money

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You said it

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I was lucky enough to have a pediatrician that told me NOT to have my kids get the hep B. 30 yrs ago of course. He said only IV users need this.

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Only not sure if it was the same science then

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Going to a hospital is a death sentence

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And going to doctors these days is a crapshoot and it's not one that's tilted in our favor!

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Surely the greatest sales job in the world is the one to trust the medical field in pushing injections during pregnancy, the first day of your child’s life, increasing vaccines in order to go to school, college, work, experimental GOF injections FOR THE “VULNERABLE”, ETC. as if any domestic or foreign enemy or psychopath deserves ACCESS to your health, life and your loved ones.

It should be pretty clear that Gates is a Psychopath, allowed to drop lab mosquitoes, visit havoc in foreign countries and then at home with his depop sterilizing/paralyzing/euthanizing gifts of vaccines. The Chinese labs, the WEF, the DOD, the illegal open border to any enemy, the lack of action or protection from Congress or any agency spells a different type of warfare and psychopathy.

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I was a nurse for 37 years. I took the Hep B vaccine in 1986 when they first offered it to the staff because it was encouraged since we were at high risk for needle sticks and I had 3 small children. I went into shock and almost died. Thank heavens I was working and had nurses and doctors immediately present to resuscitate me or I would have. I haven't taken any vaccines since then and won't ever take another one. My doctor really pushed me to take the Covid vaccine and I told her in no uncertain terms I would not take it and to stop asking. She finally gave up. Even after my experience I wasn't an antivaxxer. But the Covid vaccine cured me of that. Now I tell everyone, especially my children to stop giving my grandchildren any vaccines. They are nothing but poison.

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Only 28 people in USA had Tetanus on any year and they were mostly farm workers SW. but every doctor visit they advise you get booster

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I slit my finger and went to urgent care. The doc said she would give me a tetanus shot. I have never had one, she was surprised. I asked do I really need it, she said it was extremely unlikely I would get tetanus. So, I said no thank you.

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The only people who should ever be considering the Hep B shot are those going into Healthcare fields where they may be exposed to infected blood, or those planning a life of prostitution and/or intravenous drug use.

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And it still won’t prevent anything. So why take it at all? Why are we still stuck in that junk science model?

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Thirty years ago we fought the hospital and doctors over this by refusing to have our newborn baby get it. Near as I know it was not given. But they tried to guilt my husband and I into caving to “protocol”. I can only imagine what it is like for parents today standing up for their babies.

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I signed a 'waiver' to not give it to my child. But as far as attending school, forget it parents are totally powerless and at the mercy of the state laws, Richard Pan got rid of the religious exemption, and it is impossible to get a medical exemption, even if the doc applies it has to go through the CAIR system and be approved which most likely it won't be. It is all sewn up by pharma. The choice has been ripped from parents. Many doctors won't even take women as patients if they refuse an ultrasound when pregnant.

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If I were a young parent today, knowing what I do now, my children would not be vaxxed nor would they go to public school.

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This retired educator of almost 20 yrs agrees!! Homeschooling is the only way!!

Governors, school administrators, DOH Directors, who mandate/require children to be vaccinated before entering school & strongly encouraged & highly recommended children get C19 Vaccinated to play sports, Committed Crimes Against Humanity..Mandates & requirements were & are Unlawful & Unconstitutional! Pushing medical devices & medical procedures on children I would think constitutes charges of Crimes Against Children!!

Accountability by Nuremberg 2.0 is Demanded by patriots around the world, as are the Arrests of All wrongdoers many go directly to Gitmo!!

Faith Over Fear!! Love Heals All🙏❤️😇🇺🇸🌍

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This organization is an excellent resource: https://standforhealthfreedom.com/

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I love them. I subscribed a couple of years ago.

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The only solution is home birth and home schooling. The problem is trying to hold it together when you need to work. The choices are brutal. Only the rich and well informed have a chance.

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Solutions for the wealthy, the average person has to work.

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The horror of being forced to choose between a job and vaccinating your children with poisons. Since I have no children and am retired I can be critical. But in real life I just can’t imagine …

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We live in totalitarian times. It is not new; many societies have been in the same boat in the past and even today.

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This is SO fucking gross!

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I have hepatitis in my blood now after the covid shot. How does that happen??? 5 rare diseases, over 33 adverse reactions. It is insane and they still do NOTHING to help us or acknowledge what they have done to us.

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Horrendous, pure evil. I hope the USA especially but also the rest of the world is waking up to these countless money-driven interventions that do no good and much harm.

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The more shots they can give you, the faster they can kill you.

Isn’t that really the goal ?

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Aug 17Edited

Yes, as long as they can put enough distance between your death and the shot. They want to be able to squeeze some taxes out of you too before you go belly up.

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That’s part of it, only that too will be controlled

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I think a main object is to expand the demand and market for drugs by harming people with the toxins in vaccines. They're creating lifelong customers for their garbage.

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We are all being experimented on and in their minds for the greater good

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The reason is for the pharma cartel to make more $$$. They don't care what harms the child is exposed to. If they cared about the newborns they wouldn't take their cord blood either. It should stay attached to the infant until the blood (which rightfully belongs to the baby) has been absorbed by the infant. I believe the cord carries about one third of all the baby's blood. Instead, it is cut off (harvested) and whisked away for profit-yielding stem cells, antibodies, iron, and other elements meant to help the baby repair itself after the birth process and to continue to thrive. I'm outraged that they do this. "How to set your child up for a weak start in life", then on top of that they give all the vaccine$$$. Somehow we have to stop handicapping our children from the moment they are born. Late and full-term abortions are another way to profit from the bodies of babies.

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Good info and a very good question. Drs ! don’t give babies vaccines they don’t need!

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EVERY vac requirement for kids and those suggested for adult mist undergo a far-reaching in-depth investigation to absolutely they are safe even if it takes decades….we already have a background control group….now we need to allow every parent and adult to make their own decision and go forward to monitor each group…those with and those without.

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