Apr 9·edited Apr 9

I have to say, RFK, Jr is one of the classiest public figures I've seen in a very long time. He was able to say all of that -- talking about how the media has abandoned its responsibility & courage to tell the truth, becoming a mouthpiece for the government -- right to Chris Cuomo's face, one of the biggest tools in that shed, without condemning or attacking him. He allowed Cuomo to acknowledge the truth of that statement without losing face, which is a masterpiece of rhetorical virtuosity.

Whether I agree or disagree with him on one issue or another, I can admire integrity when I see it.

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Apr 9·edited Apr 9

😂 “one of the biggest tools in that shed.” Nice one! Cuomo is totally exposed for his role in the mass murder project, but trying to keep his “face” intact as long as he can while he tries to back away slowly. He probably has no remorse at all for what he did, but he has to be terrified of what’s coming. This thing is starting to snowball. The Italian “Health Minister” already has to be protected by a cordon of police when the public gathers around him screaming “Murderer! These days. People are catching on faster and faster.

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I believe they have WW3 primed- and before awareness hits critical mass / they will launch it. Problem is they need us glued to the media to control us ergo they need to control all media. Pesky internet .

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Well said and totally true!!

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Alan, in the very beginning the most frequent words used to describe RFK were honesty and integrity. I believe from the bottom of my heart he truly started out with all the right intentions and convictions but then, something went completely astray and pear shaped. When Kucinich resigned from his campaign and was replaced by Kennedys "daughter in-law" who to the best of my knowledge had absolutely no campaign experience whatsoever (former "twitter" executive} it solidified the wheels had clearly come off the train. The shirtless work-out video was absolutely hideous. Exactly who was he pandering to? The relationship with Rabbi Shmuley, even worse. The man went from personifying integrity to clearly being bought and paid for.

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It's a good thing that RFK Jr. is speaking out these truths, and getting a platform on the MSM fake media. This will continue to wake the masses.

But he is not the man who can do anything to clean up the mess. Trump is the man who knows what needs to be done, and has the balls and determination to do it. All of it. Destroy the deep state once and for all. Abolish entire agencies and departments, like Education and DHS. End them, they are not for Americans.

Deport millions of illegal invaders knowingly brought here by the criminal Biden/Obama regime.

Charge many with treason and crimes against humanity. Trials and executions.

This is the only way forward.

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Apr 9·edited Apr 9

Operation Warp Speed Trump? He who signed off on JANUARY 13, 2020 for Moderna to collaborate with the NIH to develop an experimental mRNA vaccine for "the novel coronavirus", BEFORE a single case of the virus was even in the US?



No thanks. The FDA says I am not a horse or a cow; well, I am not a sheep either.

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Baloney. Trump relied on the well established Government advisors who were the experts, such as the CDC, the FDA, Fauci, Scarf woman, as well as Pence.

The fact that they all lied to him repeatedly and lied to all of us as well for months on end seems to have escaped your notice. Along with the fact a number of them have admitted they lied to him.

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Trump relied on those experts, and that's his excuse? Give me a break. They were obviously all corrupt and had been for years. He knew it., in my opinion. I find it easier to believe Trump is in on the pharma/COVID scamdemic than that he's so stupid as to fall for the lies of those obvious crooks. Pre-COVID he said he was going to appoint RFK Jr to look into vaccine safety. Pharma gave him a bunch of cash and he killed that idea ASAP. He's a pharma shill, face it. That said, he's our guy, has to be, and if he loses we're toast. But I'm sick of Trump groupies making excuses for his epic COVID fail, which he STILL stands by. To this day he says the jabs were his greatest achievement. He's better than RFK Jr for many reasons, but he'll never, ever give us COVID accountability, sad to say. He's one of the faces of the disaster, the one who had the most power to shape the response, and failed us.

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Trump is not the villain here, but I have no way to prove that to you to your satisfaction. I see him as one man who was in a hell of a spot and IMO did his best. If he returns I believe he will investigate the covid genocide. I may be wrong, but let us hope I am right.

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I agree with you some, and disagree some. i agree:

Trump was in a hell of a spot.

We both hope your are right.

You will not prove to me Trump is not the villain here.

We both hope he wins, desperately.

If he did his best, he's pathetically inept. Seeing through the deep state was supposedly his wheelhouse, yet he's rolled by deeply corrupt players like Fauci, Birx, the CDC, FDA, NIH, Pfizer, et.al.? When he could have listened to independent voices like Scott Atlas or the hundreds of signers of the Great Barrington Declaration? I think it's far more likely he's corrupt than that stupid. Millions of average citizens like us saw the scam, it was obvious what was going on.

No, he won't investigate the genocide. He pushed it.

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So what mistake did RFK make this weekend that he had to correct?

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Apr 9·edited Apr 9

From what I can tell he said, or his press said, that Jan 6 was not a rebellion, that it was a protest. I could be wrong but the "need to correct that" that seemed to me to be what was used to bait him into this interview.

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If that was it then I think it was a good thing then and may have been a calculated deliberate error to gain access to mainstream media.

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I think it was calculated, but not by him.

It's not his nature from what I have seen of him. I think Cuomo set the trap, may have reached out to him saying I will give you a spot to "correct" this and he went along with it.

He has a hard time recognizing duplicity when it comes from people he knows, or thinks he knows. I see him as set up by Cuomo to be a patsy in a "talk" dominated by doctored footage of Jan 6th.

If you watch Kennedy's face you can see as the footage rolls that he realizes he was set up. Does he call Cuomo out for running doctored footage, does he say, that footage is sped up and only shows altercations that appear to all have been initiated by the police? No Kennedy sat there and let Cuomo run his psy op.

Now reverse roles, think of Trump in that spot, would Trump have taken the bait to be on Cuomo's show, yep but only to turn the tables on Cuomo IMO. He would have used the interview to tell Cuomo that he, Cuomo was in the wrong not Trump.

Would he have sat there and said nothing when that doctored footage was run, not on your life.

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Yeah, that was an interesting comment. I think he is not making many mistakes in his campaign and this may have been a PR arranged minor mistake to portray him in an even better light. :-) Still a bit curious what it involved but not important in the big picture.

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If Trump had said “ I don’t trust Fauci, Birx etc , I think they’re lying about no effective treatments”.. etc.. the media and Democrats would have exploded… another impeachment, etc…so Biden wins and the tells the country you must get vaccinated so you don’t die …Did Biden know then that the vax was flawed? because Fauci et al certainly did. The dishonesty is steroidal.

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100% on Trump, he spoke up for HCQ and for ivermectin and was slaughtered in the press. His introduction of several physicians with differing opinions nearly got them all stripped of their licenses.

It's interesting to consider if Biden, already in some stage of dementia when he ran, knew the vaxs were deadly. The next thing to reflect upon is, assuming he did know, would he have cared. My guess is probably not.

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I could give Trump a pass except that he still thinks operation warp speed was the best thing. He still supports the vaccines.

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You don’t know what he really thinks though do you? Didn’t think so!!!

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Apr 10·edited Apr 10

You don't know if you have been (and continue to be) duped by Operation Warp Speed Trump, do you? Didn't think so.

We can't trust Trump if he tells us one thing but really means another, can we? Didn't think so.

And we also can't trust Trump if (as he tells us) he sincerely believes in the COVID vaccines, can we? Didn't think so.

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I agree with Patti - we really don't know, and from my perspective, I truly believe that the majority of Americans (not on X or Substacks) still believe in the shots. It could be a strategic position. IDK

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If Trump can be fooled on something this important then he doesn't deserve the presidency. Personally I think he was in on it.

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And I think he wasn't. We can agree to disagree.

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Do you remember the debates between Trump and Biden? Trump stumped hard on "His vaccine" that he was speeding through approvals warp speed. Biden at the time was showing caution, but that went out the window once he became president. That was 6 months after the country was shut down on DJT's watch.

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Trump wanted a solution to the problem and he worked with the FDA, CDC, Fauci and the scarf lady to do so. You know, the experts. The contract the DoD wrote called for in three separate clause a "safe and effective" solution which required FDA approval of a product prototype before the contract would be awarded.

Pfizer provided a prototype, the FDA approved it. Pfizer then without notifying the FDA or DoD changed the formula making it horrificially dangerous and rushed it into production. And you see this as somehow Trump's fault??

Biden was showing nothing but early stages of dementia IMO.

The country was NOT shut down by Trump, he was against the shut downs and in face of horrific criticism declared it to be a State issue. He did NOT mandate lockdowns. Further, Biden did.

The first vax was given about 1 month before Trump was out of office, far too soon in the process to show indication of how horrificially dangerous it was. Yet as the damage came known, Biden repressed all efforts to end the vax mandates, rushing to pay for multiple boosters instead.

In the future it may help you in discussing an issue to have facts at your disposal, I know I try to.

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I would suggest you too were fooled believing in the media reports? No one knows everything unlike you of course. Just thinking allowed

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I pay and paid no attention to the MSM, I was familiar with Fauci from his AIDs vax deadly fiasco, familiar with Pfizer's medical malpractice litigation history, and knew that corona virus are harmless.

I did not take the vaccine, did not wear a mask and did not follow any of the recommended guidelines. And I did not catch it.

I also believe when a conversation includes an insult, such conversations should end.

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Apr 10·edited Apr 10

100% pure sheep milk. If it's your hero: "they lied to him". If it's your villain, "it's all his fault". Unbelievable how low some people will stoop in order to make ridiculous excuses for Trump like a sheep.

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I am overcome by the absolute genius level of reasoning underwriting your very compelling argument. Thank you for sharing it.

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I don't buy it. Trump is still bragging about his "Warp Speed" vaccine ~ and it was his administration that schemed to assassinate Julian Assange. He also had 4 years to "drain the swamp", with not much of anything to show for it. Trump is definitely not the hero his fans make him out to be.

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Trump hasn't spoken about the vaccine to my knowledge in some time.

I am not aware of his administration scheming to assassinate Julian, I am aware that he was told that if he did pardon him, he would be impeached yet again.

He did a great deal IMO, here is a list of his accomplishments, some may not be familiar to you.

Trump’s Accomplishments: https://lc.org/PDFs/Trump.Accomplishments.FINAL.pdf

I don't seek a hero, I seek a man who can get a job done and I see him as the best available.

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Thanks for sharing the PDF, Frances.

Here's more information about the Trump administration's Assange assassination plot:

> https://www.theguardian.com/media/2021/sep/27/senior-cia-officials-trump-discussed-assassinating-julian-assange

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Thank you for the link, just read it and do want to bring the following to your attention.

1. The article shows that there was no "assassination plot" as such. For based on your article requests were made by Pompeo and senior officials for options for a plot. There is no indication a plot or plots were ever developed.

2. NO indication of any kind is provided that Trump himself was involved. Your article also shows that the request for options to kill Assange were initiated by Pompeo, who was the head of the CIA and some unnamed senior officials NOT by Trump himself.

Text from your article for ease of reference:

"Senior CIA officials during the Trump administration discussed abducting and even assassinating WikiLeaks founder, Julian Assange, according to a US report citing former officials.

The discussions on kidnapping or killing Assange took place in 2017, Yahoo News reported, when the fugitive Australian activist was entering his fifth year sheltering in the Ecuadorian embassy. The then CIA director, Mike Pompeo, and his top officials were furious about WikiLeaks’ publication of “Vault 7”, a set of CIA hacking tools, a breach which the agency deemed to be the biggest data loss in its history.

Pompeo and the CIA leadership “were completely detached from reality because they were so embarrassed about Vault 7”, Yahoo cites a former Trump national security official as saying. “They were seeing blood.” "

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Faced with a pandemic (and at that point, I think he and many believed that it was real), wasn't a rapid response sort of the right thing to do? Hindsight is too easy, and he was under immense pressures. Someone also posted a link on all the falsehoods to which he was exposed. Now, I'm the first to fault his ego and narcissism and wish he'd STHU and stick to policy decisions.

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Actually, no: A "rapid response" of the sort we had in 2020 was *not* the right thing to do: It violated decades of well considered global pandemic preparedness planning which was based on a well-informed recognition that you should only quarantine the sick and the vulnerable ~ and you should *never* "lockdown" (prison language) the entire population:


We also knew from SARS-CoV-1 what treatments worked against the virus. Even Fauci himself knew about the efficacy of hydroxychloroquine back in 2005:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/de8aeaef99d3

Trump also cratered to Pfizer when he had a chance to set-up a vaccine safety commission chaired by RFK, Jr:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/0122fe5e7361

And all this doesn't even count the folly of Trump's "Warp Speed" development of the "vaccine"

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/bbcbc8a47120

In fact, the Trump team was even told “there will be a massive die-off within 5 years”:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/c309b10b088d

One might be tempted to say that hindsight is 20/20, but there is a *lot* we knew right at the very beginning:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/a7793df453dd

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Apr 10·edited Apr 10

Rapid response on January 13, 2020? (In any case, an experimental mRNA vaccine as the primary "solution" was NOT the right thing to do, at that point or at any point). And if you look at the sequence of Trump's statements and actions in the first few months of 2020, it is indisputable that Trump was NOT on the up-and-up, to say the least.

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As much as I stand behind Trump, we all need to understand that he will be met with massive, massive stonewalling if he wins. Not just by democrats but republicans too. The problems within our government are so huge, that 1 man in four years cannot possibly fix it, especially when he will meet nothing but opposition along the way. We need to be realistic about this. He’s our best chance but I guarantee when he is unable to dismantle these corrupt systems, people will turn against him. It’s naive of us to think 1 man can fix all of this and return us to the way it was before. The truth is, we’ve been at war for decades within our own house, and until now, we just didn’t know it was happening! It will never be the way it was before, because we now see behind the curtain!

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There would be the same stonewalling if RFK Jr wins

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Perhaps? But at least there would be one man telling the truth.

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Exactly, which is why they’re so desperately trying to keep him from running!

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Many things to like about RFK Jr., but a third party cannot win the electoral votes in our rigged system. Popular vote doesn't cut it, and even with a ton of support, he can't win even the popular vote because of the split. It's either the D option (and it won't be JB after August) or PDT. I think our best option is to overwhelm the shenanigans with votes for Trump.

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And actually far worse, for Trump has been through the fires, they have gone through his life with a fine toothed comb, all that is left for them is fiction.

But Kennedy sadly has had some dark times in his life and they will absolutely destroy him on a daily basis, his first wife's death, his heroin addiction.

Further his extended family has traitors available for interviews today, just imagine what horrors they will be happy to discuss with the MSM ad nauseum.

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His Hollywood wife and his desire to placate everyone will result in failure.

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I agree, he wants/needs approval.

Trump on the other hand wants the JOB done, media approval be damned. Trump was born for this job and he knows it.

Kennedy has great strengths and strong beliefs but they do not manifest in him in a manner that would be needed in political office, especially not in the office of President.

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Trump is ignorant or complicit. He had PRESIDENTIAL POWER and access to inside information and did nothing useful with it in 4 years. Either he is greedy or stupid enough to do exactly what the globalists want or he is compromised and has no choice. Trump will save no one but Trump.

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He accomplished remarkable things last time, I am ever impressed by what he was able to do first time around despite the Uniparty fighting him every step of the way. This link covers a lot of those accomplishments.

Trump’s Accomplishments: https://lc.org/PDFs/Trump.Accomplishments.FINAL.pdf

And if he returns he will be loaded for bear (see link below) today about 30% of the nation appears to be awake to what is happening. That is far, far more support than he had going into the last go round. Yes he will only have 4 years, so who he choses for VP is very important, I look forward to seeing who it will be and no matter who he choses I will support him.

Trump’s Agenda 47: https://www.larouchepac.com/trump_s_agenda_47

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And, he won't have the option of another term; that's a dilemma that all first time presidents face.

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Very true.

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It’s up to those of us who have woken up, to continue to apply public pressure. The court of public opinion is mighty!

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The Dems are already planning on a strategy if he wins how to not let him win. Sort of like the Jan 6 psop Federal insurrection but acting like it was a Trump and MAGA insurrection. THEY.WILL.STOP.AT.NOTHING.

Orange man “ain’t” allowed to go back to the people’s house. Mark my word.

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I totally agree. If they can’t put Trump in jail and keep him out of the election, they either have to assassinate him, or stop the elections altogether, in that order. They won’t be able to cheat the same way they did last time. They’re running out of options and I agree that they will stop at NOTHING!

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Can we assemble a hit squad for those causing harm to Trump and America ? I can shoot pretty good …..!

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That’s a wonderful delusion. He did none of the above the first time except for border management. And he brags non stop about Warp Speed, the biggest Deep State scam ever. I don’t see any of that happening. And with him, we stay divided and hateful.

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I agree with you. He also appointed a Monsanto guy in charge of the FDA or HHS. As for telling people to get vaxxed, "but you don't have to," I'm told it's now illegal to talk against the covid vax. Doing so is an automatic disqualifier for holding office. Is it true? I don't know. I do know that DeSantos passed the buck on reopening the FL schools by leaving it up to individual school districts. He lost my respect with that move.

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Actually, the divisiveness is all planned, and goes much deeper that TDS. That's just played to maximum effect. It won't go away, regardless of who's our next POTUS.

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You can't "fix" immigration. The criminal invaders are already here. It's the same with Canada and Klaus Schwab's favourite puppet - trudeau! Unless we witness some kind of miracle, the WHO, WEF and UN will soon take over all of humanity!

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Yes! The only solution is to abrogate all of our ties to the WHO an UN

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...and WEF!

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I am completely torn on whether to vote for Trump. No one can deny that our country was humming along for the first three years of his administration despite the constant attacks from the left. But he has NEVER ADMITTED he was wrong about Operation Warp Speed. All he would have to do is say that he was deceived, wrong to be taken in by the likes of Fauci, Birx, etc. sincerely, and it would make all the difference with so many.

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Is admitting he was wrong about something that most of the country still seems to believe in a good strategy? IDK what he actually believes, and how much is his ego. I wish that could be moderated, but at the same time, his street fighting skills (I still like his 'button' reply to NK; notice that it did not escalate?) are exactly why the rest of the world either respected him or were at least kept off balance enough to behave.

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Good point, although I think many are waking up to the fact that the vaccines were a very bad idea - certainly the mandates, but even the rollout before they were properly tested and proven to be safe. He does have quite the inflated ego, which I agree, with NK and others like them is good, to keep them worried that he just might obliterate them lol. But with his own supporters and Americans in general, showing some humility and sounding a bit more like RFK Jr. would go a long way.

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Apr 10·edited Apr 10

Absolutely! Agree with all, Jen! (The deleted comment was mine; for some reason, sometimes a comment is duplicated and when you delete one, the other goes too.)

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It doesn't really matter who wins under the current political environment. The entire structure is rotten. One man or woman cannot resurrect it, even if they have the best intentions. There isn't enough genuine support. The system needs to be overhauled. At least Mr. Kennedy is a huge asset in the awakening of millions.

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100% Agree.


Reform or Destroy the WHOLE SYSTEM.

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There is no fixing or band-aiding. It must be revamped.

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Too bad he can't win the electoral college. Impossible. :(

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I agree 100%.

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Well stated and totally true!

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I wish RFK Jr. would tell the truth about Israel!

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Did anyone tell RFK Jr. that laughing yahu sold out the Israeli people to Pfizer; promising to inject them all with the covid bioweapon and maintain a DNA database of every one of them - for Pfizer?

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TPTB even bragged about Israel being the biggest "clinical trial" in the world!

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Absolutely! That's my main gripe with him. He's tied at the hip to Natanyahu, unlike his dad and uncle.

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RFK, Jr.'s blind loyalty to Israel is a crushing disappointment, indeed.

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The sleeping giant is waking up, finally! Most of us have prayed for 70% of humanity to wake up to the corruption within the world of those that think they are ‘Science.’

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Chris Cuomo is about the first in line of CORRUPT, HATEFUL AND DIVISIVE


fake news all day long 24/7

Rachel Maddow

all those woke, lying @%^&$ WE HAVE HAD ENOUGH!!!!!

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Amen 🙏

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Cuomo said here, “…the 911 Commission is the gold standard” of commissions. And he then called for a Covid commission like it. Hahahaha. What a sad comment for a so-called journalist to utter.

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Yes, when he said that I watched Kennedy's face, he knows exactly what 9/11 was and what that farce of a commission was about.

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“The journalists, the press, is no longer doing its job of questioning the president, maintaining that posture of eternal and fierce skepticism. They’ve become, instead, amplifiers for all the lies that the government tells us. And you look at this polarization, and it’s driven so much because people no longer have faith in any of the institutions of our country.”

Thank you RFK Jr.

We are drowning in shameless liars.

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Oh Bobby you need better people helping and informing you. No mention of the US Govt agents provocateur fomenting the violence on one side of the building while on another side capitol security were opening the doors for the demonstrators. And this after saying that the Palestinian people are the most pampered, referring to Putin as a thug (what's that based on?) and while you support the Zionist anti-Israel movement.

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At almost all legitimate protests, they are infiltrated by PAID agitators/provocateurs!

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I saw the original video of the "insurrection" filmed by Proud Boys documentarian Jake Lang, whom they want to lock up for life without parole or execute. Those are the two options he's been given, aside from indefinite detention. The whole thing was orchestrated by the FBI, antifa with ladders and MAGA hats, and Capitol police. The MSM was kept away from the scene until after the police had invited everyone inside, after the platform guy with the megaphone urging everyone to enter had put his platform away.

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Mika ya missed one! When he said Palestinie has no right to defend itself. That was almost as bad if not worse than the pampered comment! WOW!

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Yes, his positives are great, such as his record on litigation regarding corporate damage to the environment, and his work on childhood vaccines damage. But he is a nightmare on any number of other issues such as you mention.

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And, who isn't a nightmare? If it's Biden, Trump and RFK, there is no question of character and intelligence and energy. RFK far out shines the other two, who are nothing but divisive and part of politics- as- usual. Lets get rid of this destructive status quo.

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Much truth in what you say. However, a third party cannot win the electoral college votes. Our best chance is to unite behind DT and attempt to overcome the shenanigans with volume. The best RFK can do is split the vote, and he makes too much sense to not pull from the conservatives.

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Yet I don't see Trump as a nightmare, his record certainly was not a nightmare. Trump’s Accomplishments: https://lc.org/PDFs/Trump.Accomplishments.FINAL.pdf

He has strength of character; most people would be a sobbing wreck given what he has gone through. He certainly has intelligence and energy, under attack for 8 years and still not only standing but winning out over them all.

RFK has never been in a battle outside of a court room, he has never held political office, he has personal demons and I don't see him as able to do this job. And it is a job, not a popularity contest, not a game show, it is a brutal, bloody contest against people who would kill you in a heartbeat if they could be sure of getting away with it.

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I generally separate Trump "the man" from his accomplishments. "The man" pulls in too much drama, and he has no capacity for non-reaction. He spends too much time acting like a child. Fortunate for the US, he is also a man with executive skills. And, he got some party backing and his policies were fine with me.

Biden is sadly not up to any sort of complicated job. If you can't see that you are simply not paying attention. He is the face being used by the rulers (I use the word literally) of the Democratic party. And, in spite of his tough-talk, we all know it's just a shame. I've never felt my country to be weaker or closer to a stupid disastrous war.

RFK knows government and how it works. It's in his DNA. Yes, he's had his problems, but he is a decent man.

He also has no reason to pad his bank account (which is what all politicians eventually do) at taxpayers expense.

We desperately need to free our country from this 2 party system. It's divisive and corrupt. We need a change. Saying a 3rd party win will NEVER happen, is accepting that we are stuck forever in this continual meaningless fight. We desperately need a 3rd party to shake up this failing system and bring a little sanity back to DC.

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I see value in a additional parties, no issue with that whatsoever.

Kennedy is capable in certain areas; child health, environmental litigation. But has never held public office, his business experience is limited to running a law firm. A good law firm, but nothing comparable to the scale of Trump's businesses.

In times of crisis I see it best to rely on a known producer who successfully delivered in the face of overwhelming resistance rather than an interesting candidate with NO track record in govt. We are in a time of horrific crisis, this is not the time to try out someone new.

Trump capabilities are well known, his work products visible, his drive notable. His plans once in office are manifold and clearly defined. None of that can be said of Kennedy.

Trump’s Accomplishments: https://lc.org/PDFs/Trump.Accomplishments.FINAL.pdf


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Bobby knows full well about the dangers of this job. There have already been 3 attempts on his life, and still Biden won't pay for the security service that is afforded to every other presidential candidate with the number of supporters RFK, jr. has.

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Apr 10·edited Apr 10

What you are saying is Bobby knows he could be shot, respectfully how is that related to possible job performance. But to pursue your point, yes he knows the CIA killed his family.

Which makes his decision to fire his campaign manager Dennis Kucinich a past pro and replace him with his entirely inexperienced daughter in law who just so happens to be a former CIA covert operative indicative of what?

As for Biden, he is a coup figure head who probably doesn't remember his own name. The deep state/CIA is preventing the security detail. Which again leads one to question, why did he hire a former CIA (are you ever former CIA?) operative to run his campaign??

Now getting shot is only one of the many dangers of this job. Other dangers include; you could start a race war, a worldwide depression, a world war, a nuclear meltdown, bring about a global currency crash.

I do not see him as prepared by his life or career experiences for any of those dangers. And if he should get shot, is his choice of a VP one that gives you confidence that she would know how to run this country? She IMO bought the VP job and brings nothing to the table that I can see but cash.

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Chris has long Covid and is trying to get some of the truth out there and trying to find out how to treat it and hopefully he will eventually getting around to telling everyone what is causing it!! But he needs to do more intensive research and tell the total truth and quit following the networks “agenda” about the long covid. I have one of the worst cases of long covid and there are millions of us out there who have it and the news people never cover any of it or even say that it even exists!! It’s a total cover up, from the top on down! My medical practitioner is out of ideas for me about exactly how to keep treating me and millions of others and we have absolutely “NO” quality of life!! A total medical mess is going on in our country and the news people and our government officials are just acting like it’s not going on!! Something needs to be done! And not just pouring more of our tax payers money into “big pharma” who just wants to make more money off of us and not do the “true research” that will give us the underlying causes and give us true healing treatment and not just treating our symptoms! I know I am a highly educated college graduate RN BSN and am constantly doing research enough to write a book, and still can’t try any true answers! It’s pathetic and a total cover up! We deserve answers and not constant continuous lies🥵🥵🥵😜😜😢😢

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Have you tried Dr. Peter McCullough's protocol involving 2000 FU nattokinase daily, 500 mg bromelain and 500 mg cucurmin with meals? Also consider August Dunning's soft dry fast as outlined in his book The Phoenix Protocol? I've had covid 3x now from constant association with vaxxed people and am still hanging in there. Getting a good night's sleep is important to, something I have trouble achieving myself despite 6 mg melatonin supplement nightly, which does help.

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Here are a few sleeping aids that helped me. Of course, melatonin (2.5 mg), valerian drops (w/o alcohol, Whole Foods), sleeping grounded (Clint Ober's book 'Earthing', grounding betsheets & pillow from Amazon), the magnetic pulser 'EarthPulse' (transcranial magnetic stimulation, it pulses with the frequencies that the brain produces during its various sleep phases, at the end it wakes you up). Then the Acu-Vac coil (Life-Light tools) - I gave this gold coated copper coil to my high school friend in Germany to try out. He and his wife felt like sleeping in a 'cocoon'. Then they gave it to their youngest son, he liked it so much, he wouldn't give it back, so I had to buy a new one! True story! I also have a small pulser, the 'Little Ludwig', developed by the German physicist Dr. Wolfgang Ludwig. That is what I am using right now, since I gave three EarthPulse devices away. One pulser woke up my elder brother from a 2-month long coma and I gave it to the family of another coma victim, a mother of two children. Although she opened her eyes for the first time after only two days using the pulser, she didn't regain consciousness, unfortunately. My elder brother had regained full consciousness and showed signs of a massive stroke, which happened during an 11-hour bladder operation, but unfortunately died of another stroke. A second device I gave to a young woman who suffered brain stem injury from a bicycle accident, she later wrote to me that with the device she finally was able to sleep!!! A third pulser, an older model, I recently gave to a friend of mine who suffers from brain shrinkage - not sure if it will help her, time will tell. Those pulsers are not cheap...

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Thank you very much for your info and caring💕💕🙏✝️😇!!

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Thank you very much for your kind reply 💕💕🙏✝️😇!!

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I take nannokinase Curcumin and tons of other meds and have spent thousands of dollars because insurance doesn’t cover any of it! I am being treated by One of Dr. Piere Kory’s teammates! I am one of their worst patients. I have the MTHFR genetic disorder which is a genetic inflammatory genetic disease and Covid is an inflammatory virus 🦠! I am literally a vegetable most of the time, can’t drive, can’t cook, laid in bed for a year totally alone with only 3 cats. No phone calls, except my alternative treatment people. Can’t tolerate to even sit in a chair and brain fog is soo bad can’t use my computer anymore. I use my iPhone now and they call me, while I lay in bed almost every day 🥵🥵😜😜😢. They have tried everything, and I have done hours of research and nothing is working for me! But thank you very much for your response and caring💕💕💕🙏✝️. I know who Dr McCullough is because I follow all of those docs and the FLCCC WEBSITE AND webinars.

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Olivia Shaw, did you get any of the CVD shots? If so, what you have is probably a v@x injury, not "long CVD."

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Yes, my alternative med team classifies me actually as vaccine injured! But I didn’t want to comment on that because I didn’t want to be attacked 🥵😜. I only took 2 initial vaccines before I found out too late that they are poison shots. They can’t really be called vaccines, because they aren’t 🥵🥵. They are trying to get the spike out of me but I am not getting any better and my whole body is being attacked and my immune system is pretty much nonexistent 🥵🙏. The machine quits testing for spike at 25 thousand and my spike was 22 thousand. They are trying everything that they know how, but there are no true answers out there about how to get the spike out of us. Thank you very much for your kind reply and your caring!💕💕🙏✝️😇!

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So sorry to hear about your struggles with long COVID. 💔

Here are links to the resources I've gathered, in case there might be something new:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/533127af8d09

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/026b4e1bd888

FWIW, I suspect your best starting point would be the FLCCC's Long COVID protocol, if you've not already given it a try:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/25d421366a1f

. . . and if you've not already been vaxxed

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/65ab782ddcbf

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Thank you very much! Lots of good info 💕🙏✝️😇

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You're most welcome, Olivia! Wishing you all the best.

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At last! At least someone dares to tell the truth!

Yet none of the leaders really know how to get us out of this mess:

MAGA (Make Assets Great Again): money should be 100% backed with gold and real assets. This makes masonic counterfeiting harder. They are buying everything with virtual money: listed corporations, media, medical system, political parties, prosti-ticians, universities… !

Get the murderers out of government: force masons to self-identify by law under severe penalty (their oath doesn't forbid self-identification, also, evil oaths are void). Freemasonry is the church of Lucifer. “Separation of church and State” requires eliminating the freemasonic demono-cracy over Government (theocracy comes from “theo”, God, “cratos”, power, but this has nothing to do with God, but Satan and his demons, so it’s a demono-cracy).

16 laws we need to exit Extermination Planet


No Free Speech without Reach. We need a #FreeReach law urgently!


Why is food poisoning legal?

How Rumsfeld forced the approval of lethal Aspartame.

Artificial sweeteners, MSG, PFAS, Glyphosate ... go organic!


How about REAL democracy: townhall republican democracy?


Rethinking science

Sciencing the rigged and corrupt health scientific system for an overdue turnaround

Unless we change it, we’re doomed to the next PLANdemic. And yet, nothing has changed, only got worse!


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Food poisoning has only gotten worse and worse. Are aware of vitamin/mineral supplement poisoning? Subscribe to Agent1131711's substack for more than you ever wanted to know about food, air, water, supplement, and vaccine poisoning for the last century and a half. The 1918 pandemic was the original bird flu pandemic, brought to you by Rockefeller's diphtheria vaccine. People were not only wearing masks, they were carrying umbrellas and throwing tarps over their Model Ts lest they get bird pooped on. Some were even shooting crows out of trees.

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After viewing your proposed laws, I see one more essential ingredient, revoking the Federal Reserve corporate charter on the grounds of its fraudulent implementation. There must be a way of returning the US Treasury to issuance of all legal tender money and a means of liquidating its liabilities while causing the least possible pain and hardship possible for dependent upon entitlements for life's necessities. Frankly, I don't believe it's possible any longer to close our borders long enough to work everything out. Our entire infrastructure is subject to hacking and has been hacked by both the Chinese and Israel. These recent bridge incidents and faked visas that are allowing people past border and airport security aren't happening totally by accident. I hope I'm wrong. The 16th Amendment was also fraudulently ratified.

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If all this nonsense stopped yesterday I fear it is too late. Not pessimism...realism.

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I like realism. Trudeau already (long ago) sold out Canada to the WHO, WEF and UN. Anyone who disagrees with that statement, simply hasn't been paying attention. I have all the documentation I need! Here is only one such document that I would call Positive Proof/evidence:


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I've been off TV news for years.... what is the "mistake" that RFK Jr. is referring to, that he made this weekend?

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Like to know as well..?

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It was about Jan 6th

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I respect Kennedy, sorry to see he backed off of his original statement about Jan 6th, I wonder if his new VP choice had any role in that decision. I highly respect him for his outstanding track record on prosecuting corporate environmental abuse, and on the dangers of childhood vaccines.

I see real problems with his views on gun control, on "climate change" and I doubly fear the influence his wife appears to have on his decision making. Here is her husband fighting the good fight against Big Pharm on childhood vaccine injuries and covid, and she vaccinates all their kids including for covid.

I see nothing but disaster because of the ideological conflicts she brings into his professional life.

As for Cuomo saying the 9/11 Commission was the "Gold Standard of Investigations." What an absolute joke. I would also note that the Jan 6 scenes of altercations played during their chat were not only sped up, but focused almost entirely on police actions against protesters. I am actually sorry that Kennedy agreed to speak with him, I feel he was used in this interview to support yet another MSM Jan 6 smear job.

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And a third party simply cannot win our electoral college votes (read the States' rules), and he can't possibly win the popular vote, given the hard core divide. Our only chance is to unite behind DT and not let RFK split the conservative vote.

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True that Fred, true that.

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I noticed the same thing, but that's only to be expected. The sleeple have to get their constant affirmations.

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But it must not be overlooked that Kennedy sat there while these false affirmations were made and said NOTHING.

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Chris Cuomo never 'gotchaed' anyone in his life. He's a stuffed shirt who's mastered the art of impersonating a reasonable, intelligent, and informed person rhetorically. His 'credibility' has been achieved by simply mastering the body language, facial expression, and vocal cues that imply seriousness and sincerity. He's just a classic con artist who would have become a used car salesman if he hadn't been born into a family of political elites.

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Same applies to Gavin Newsom, only that he used to be a used car salesman before "aunt" Pelosi recruited him.

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LOL. I didn't know that.

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WARNING. WARNING. When MSM starts agreeing it’s a trap. RFK is a fake. “Palestinians are the most pampered people in the world” - RFKJR

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This was a sell out interview IMO.

Cuomo: Say you were wrong on Jan 6 and we will give you an interview.

Kennedy: Well, OK.

And then they use the interview to hammer home the Jan 6 story and he sits there through it like a bump on a log when the film is clearly sped up and if you pay attention it is mostly of police attacking protesters.

He is NOT presidential material, he is a good man with some great strengths but he is not what the country needs as a leader.

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He picked a good running mate. She's young, a lawyer, and has her own vax injured child. She doesn't know what many of us know. I've been trying to get through to her in the hope that she can get through to him on things of which he remains ignorant. Does he even know of the Report from Iron Mountain commissioned by his uncle and his own attempt to issue Treasury greenbacks, his threat to break the CIA into 1000 pieces. Has she watched the Ossebaard/Koeter exposes of the Cabal? There are over 8 hours to wade through there. Whenever the going gets too tough, he goes skiing or speedboating. The Creature from Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin and his redpilluniversity.com website are must reading/browsing. He's been at this for 50 of his 90 years on this planet. That's the sort of perspective we need. What if greenbacks.com were made legal tender as an interim measure? Anyway, everyone should lobby @nicoleshanahan with your ideas. That's my thought.

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Apr 9·edited Apr 10

Being young, being a lawyer and having a sadly vax injured child does nothing to eradicate her insanely far left Soros inspired views on the law. For example:


Her background compounded by Kennedy's views on guns, Israel, climate make them in public office the stuff of nightmares.

I do think the world of him for his legal work on environmental cleanup and childhood vaccines. I donated heavily in years past to his work in these areas. But as a President he would bring us to rack and ruin IMO.


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And no right defending themselves!!!

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Pretty hard to get Chris Cuomo to shut up and nod. Maybe instead of a politician, RFK Jr. is a magician.

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ANYTHING that shuts up Cuomo is a gift

I find him as offensive as his ugly brother who was 'governor' of NY

In fact, any time CNN is cut off at the knees is a blessing

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