I have seen some people saying this was a "white hat operation", staged. How anyone can think that is beyond me. People died. Trump almost died. Utter bull shit.

What I want to know is were there more than one shooter? The Secret Service sniper acted, but too late to stop the shooter from taking shots. Was it an inside job?

We know that the deep state has tried to kill Trump before. This time they tried again and failed again. They are desperate because their lawfare also failed. I expect more incidents.

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Especially apparent from the video from behind the stage, that slight unexpected tilt of the head while Trump was speaking saved his life.

(As to why the shooter might have been aiming for the ear, perhaps it was to avoid a kevlar lined maga cap. Who knows.)

But one thing is for sure, the secret service were deliberate in not getting Trump under protective cover even though they had identified the threat for minutes beforehand.

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The real Trump was not at the rally. Trump is not out in the public. He is isolated. He has had several assassination attempts on him. If Trump was out in the public, he would have been taken out by a psychotic nutcase or the DS a long time ago. No amount of security can protect anyone. We have masked actors, doubles, and clones. Those who still believe Biden is the real Biden better get their eyes checked. Same with Kamala, Pence, Obama, Hillary, Fauci, Gates, Putin, and many more. This includes Hollywood actors and musicians.

We are currently under military occupancy and have been since 2016. Flights to Gitmo have been running on almost a daily basis for quite awhile. This is a worldwide operation.

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‘He Had a Rifle!’ Trump Rally Attendee Says He Warned Police Gunman Was Crawling on Roof. So we are to believe a man was able to get that close with a rifle… without being seen or stopped by the police or Trump’s security. And that they ignored warnings of a man with a rifle and allowed Trump to continue to speak?

Multiple shots were fired in the direction of Trump. We are told that one member of the audience was killed. What happened to the other bullets that were fired?

How did they get to the roof and take the guy out so quickly? If the police and security detail purposely ignore warnings, wouldn’t they take their sweet assed time trying to kill the shooter? Wouldn’t they let him unleash at least one full clip at Trump before acting?

The weapon found at the scene was an AR type semi-automatic rifle that generally holds up to 30 rounds. Each pull of the trigger unleashes a round so the entire clip could be easily emptied in well under 10 seconds. Did anyone hear 30 rounds being fired? And if so did the shooter fire only two into the podium with the rest completely missing?

Surely if the shooter was on a suicide mission he’d try to wastes some of the men who were coming for him. Yet we hear not a single shot from the cornered rat.

He didn't see the guy on the roof before it all went down? Clip

Seems as if everyone except the security folks saw the guy on the roof! Clip


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Watch them have time to tell the photographer to get in position literally seconds BEFORE the shot


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LMAO another sucker !

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Police sharp shooter; not SS.

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You simply don't understand the tactics of the deep state and that their own tactics can be used against them in the same fashion. Who is the deep state? A big part of it does the heavy lifting and is the Military industrial complex. The CIA is part of the Department of Defense. Since 1947 they have been eroding our freedoms by staging events to elicit outrage. That outrage by the people changes policy in the United States to take freedoms from us in exchange for safety.

So, if you wanted to elicit outrage against the deep state, would you use their own tactics against them? The deep state is the SS, FBI, CIA and SS...DEI is also a part of it.

The deep state also involves unelected bureaucrats as well, but the heavy lifting are those agencies. Think about what Im saying. If you could use the same tactics to get rid of the deep state...would you? You know, drain the SWAMP?

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Innocent people always die is false flags, always. Trump get shot in the ear, his hand goes to his ear, his ear is bloody, but there is no blood on his hand or cuff when his raises his fist. Also the ear instantly stops bleeding. There is no additional blood over 60 seconds from the time he stands until in the car. Ear and facial wounds don’t just stop bleeding.

Just like 9/11. WTC #7 cannot fail due to fire. It’s physically impossible, yet this remains the “official” story. 100’s of high rise buildings burned over 100 years, some fully engulfed from the ground to the top floor, no collapses.

Look it up.

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Videos - Reagan Shooting vs Trump Shooting

Notice the difference...



People died? hahaha... do you think they give a f789 about the barnyard animals???? How many thousand did they sacrifice in 911???

You are EXPENDABLE https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/humans-barnyard-animals-and-circus/

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I feel the same ....He must be protected at all cost.....The swamp dems want him gone....cuss he'll clean house and then some!

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That headline reminds me of the NYT headline the day after the 2020 election. "There Was No Election Fraud!" Even someone not paying attention has to wonder how the NYT could conclude that when they hadn't even finished counting the votes.

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The sane way Fox News called Arizona with less than 25% of the votes in. They KNEW Arizona was rigged.

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This was an actual assassination attempt.

The Good Guys don’t kill innocent bystanders to create a narrative.

False Flag events are literally what we are fighting against.

Maybe it was an inside job. Or maybe it was incompetence + not enough resources.

But it certainly wasn’t staged.

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It was a show. A planned show put on by the people running this country who couldn't care less if you're Rep or Dem. Innocents always die or it wouldn't feel real. You know who kills innocent bystanders? Our own government does. 9/11, Maui, Las Vegas shooting, OK City bombing, JFK and other international assassinations everywhere.

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Show me proof anyone died

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Fast Eddy

Fast’s Substack

just now

‘He Had a Rifle!’ Trump Rally Attendee Says He Warned Police Gunman Was Crawling on Roof. So we are to believe a man was able to get that close with a rifle… without being seen or stopped by the police or Trump’s security. And that they ignored warnings of a man with a rifle and allowed Trump to continue to speak?

Multiple shots were fired in the direction of Trump. We are told that one member of the audience was killed. What happened to the other bullets that were fired?

How did they get to the roof and take the guy out so quickly? If the police and security detail purposely ignore warnings, wouldn’t they take their sweet assed time trying to kill the shooter? Wouldn’t they let him unleash at least one full clip at Trump before acting?

The weapon found at the scene was an AR type semi-automatic rifle that generally holds up to 30 rounds. Each pull of the trigger unleashes a round so the entire clip could be easily emptied in well under 10 seconds. Did anyone hear 30 rounds being fired? And if so did the shooter fire only two into the podium with the rest completely missing?

Surely if the shooter was on a suicide mission he’d try to wastes some of the men who were coming for him. Yet we hear not a single shot from the cornered rat.

He didn't see the guy on the roof before it all went down? Clip

Seems as if everyone except the security folks saw the guy on the roof! Clip


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You are assuming you know who the good guys are. Don’t trust, verify.

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I did not deny that there was a shooter or rifle or gun shots. I denied the intent. I am not leftist or rightest, I am perfectly capable of thinking independently, outside the boxes provided by the establishment to fit into.

We have seen Trump be charged by the courts with contrived charges, easy to beat, which Trump does. Real charges that could have been raised against him not only were never charged in the courts, they were erased from the web. The news media had demonized him, did all kinds of reporting on him to make him look bad. But I have found far worse dirt on him than those establishment news media are "capable" of finding. Challenging interviews of Trump all play softball with him, nobody seems able to give him a question that stumps Trump. He is "unstoppable." THat kind of leader is what the CIA-dominated news media is projecting. We all know that it is the good guys who are assassinated. So why Trump?

HE is portrayed as "anti-establishment" at a time when we all know that the establishment is evil, and we know the evil character of the CIA, FBI, and other "deep state" operations which would assassinate him. Unknown to most, it was Kennedy's chauffeur who murdered him, briefly stopping the vehicle, turning around and shooting him in broad daylight, as I have seen a video portray. Only a powerful and secretive monolith of an organized crime syndicate could pull that off. And they could not take down Trump? They could only get his ear?

This was another "show" of Trump's great courage and his unstoppable determination. He is the great hero to serve this country in selfless service. BULLSHIT. It was contrived. If the CIA wanted him dead, he would be. IT is easy to bring your hand to your ear, squeeze a hidden bag of blood to release it onto your ear, and look like a close graze. Another source of the news had a picture of two streaks of blood on his cheek. This was not a legitimate attempt on Trump's life. It was a spectacle designed to make him look anti-establishment and fearless. All phony. Later photos showed his ear looking just fine.

Again, here is what motivates the phony.




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Let's not forget he announced Warp Speed + he is still pro Death Shot...

People are just so f789ing dumb

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STILL. He's not allowed to back down from that. Vaccines are non-negotiable. Another "tell."

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Trump is an actor. Biden is an actor.

Politicians have zero power. They are stooges... front men... that's why you never get a decent politician...anyone with any ability would not consider running for public office.

I have an associate ... Canadian but ivy league schooled... captain of a sports team..Rhodes Scholar... law degree... MD at a major investment bank... was approached by the Liberals to be groomed to run for PM... he turned them down... he realized it was a puppet role... of course Trudeau -- who was a drama teacher... took the job...

Ardern was a DJ... never worked a single day outside of politics except spinning and dropping pills...

Think about that

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Yes, nothing else actually makes sense.

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The Ministry of Truth will have agents on SS trying to convince the morons that a Circle is actually a Square...

And most of them will accept that. Cuz most of them are f789ing idiots

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I agree 100%. I have seen too much to believe otherwise. No one gets a seat at the table without the ruling class mafia's permission. He is front and center.

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Trump is in The Club... he is playing a role

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Great articles! I did not know Wilson was unwitting and regretful.

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If Trump isnt part of a miltary intel oeration to defeat the Khazarian Luciferian deep state crime syndicate WE ARE ALL DOOMED ! You better home you're wrong.

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I have known from his first campaigning in 2016 that he was a liar and a phony. My book ANGRY LOUD AND CLEAR TRUTH published in 2020 addressed that. I showed that the establishment news media (which I prove is dominated by the CIA) were not really playing hard ball with him, that they were making him look tough and unbeatable and anti-establishment. ON my website you can see more, that he is a Rothschild puppet, a freemason, Jesuit trained at Fordham UNiversity where he studied Kabalah. AS Eddy notes, with him we had Operation Warp Speed and the nation shut down. And yes, the politicians have absolutely no power, the real source of legislation is not the phony "statesmen" but in reality comes from the COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS. The most powerful entities are the Vatican and the globalists like Rockefeller, Rothschild, Windsor, etc... My books give details, names dates documents quotes sources. You can sign up for a free newsletter and books attached.



There is no political solutions. THere is only one viable solution that I have been working on for years, and need your help with. SIgn up for the newsletter and forward it to all your contacts. I have been working on this for years and have an international readership of 100 million daily, but we need 20 times that.


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You are wrong!!!!! His assessment is wrong!! So who shot the people in the crowd…the secret service!!!! He didn’t even mention the shots fired at the crowd!!!!! The man who died and the other critically injured people! Mike Adams is not controlled opposition.

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If you had only added a few more exclamation points, I would believe you.

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People, I have seen a dozen articles and videos on the event. Elizabeth gives the best one here. Watch it.

Thank you


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This is the best analysis

‘He Had a Rifle!’ Trump Rally Attendee Says He Warned Police Gunman Was Crawling on Roof. So we are to believe a man was able to get that close with a rifle… without being seen or stopped by the police or Trump’s security. And that they ignored warnings of a man with a rifle and allowed Trump to continue to speak?

Multiple shots were fired in the direction of Trump. We are told that one member of the audience was killed. What happened to the other bullets that were fired?

How did they get to the roof and take the guy out so quickly? If the police and security detail purposely ignore warnings, wouldn’t they take their sweet assed time trying to kill the shooter? Wouldn’t they let him unleash at least one full clip at Trump before acting?

The weapon found at the scene was an AR type semi-automatic rifle that generally holds up to 30 rounds. Each pull of the trigger unleashes a round so the entire clip could be easily emptied in well under 10 seconds. Did anyone hear 30 rounds being fired? And if so did the shooter fire only two into the podium with the rest completely missing?

Surely if the shooter was on a suicide mission he’d try to wastes some of the men who were coming for him. Yet we hear not a single shot from the cornered rat.

He didn't see the guy on the roof before it all went down? Clip

Seems as if everyone except the security folks saw the guy on the roof! Clip


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Let’s not get even more decisive. Let’s act as humans and remember there’s a propaganda war against us and let’s not make rash decisions in the upcoming weeks that we may regret: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/the-trump-assassination-attempt

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No, it has been proven that the assassination against President Donald Trump was not faked. The information given here by Health Ranger Mike Adams needs to be shared with the people ready to believe this was a put-up job. CNN had the nerve to say it was merely an "interruption" to Trump's speech, and 'Joke' Biden condemned the violence but said nothing personally to Trump about the incident. Frankly, this shows unequivocally the state of the US in the hands of the Deep State Democrats!

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hahaha... and the covid jabs are safe and effective...

And Trump did not initiate Warp Speed hahaha'

Ya'll are so easily played

Fast Eddy

Fast’s Substack

just now

‘He Had a Rifle!’ Trump Rally Attendee Says He Warned Police Gunman Was Crawling on Roof. So we are to believe a man was able to get that close with a rifle… without being seen or stopped by the police or Trump’s security. And that they ignored warnings of a man with a rifle and allowed Trump to continue to speak?

Multiple shots were fired in the direction of Trump. We are told that one member of the audience was killed. What happened to the other bullets that were fired?

How did they get to the roof and take the guy out so quickly? If the police and security detail purposely ignore warnings, wouldn’t they take their sweet assed time trying to kill the shooter? Wouldn’t they let him unleash at least one full clip at Trump before acting?

The weapon found at the scene was an AR type semi-automatic rifle that generally holds up to 30 rounds. Each pull of the trigger unleashes a round so the entire clip could be easily emptied in well under 10 seconds. Did anyone hear 30 rounds being fired? And if so did the shooter fire only two into the podium with the rest completely missing?

Surely if the shooter was on a suicide mission he’d try to wastes some of the men who were coming for him. Yet we hear not a single shot from the cornered rat.

He didn't see the guy on the roof before it all went down? Clip

Seems as if everyone except the security folks saw the guy on the roof! Clip


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Ha ha and everyone in the world knew for decades that viruses are fake ........................... Trump was advised by the experts, how do you have it that he was a medical biologist or micro-biologist or whatever to have worked in a lab? Who told you that or did you make it up .....................

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Extremely unlikely that a hitter missed just enough for some ear blood for an iconic photo op. I’m still not convinced it was real.

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Also, he touches his ear but when he gets up there is blood on his ear but not the hand he had against it

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The photograph of the moment certainly shows blood on his fingers, mostly in a line as though he’s touched the ear rim. Photos also show his closest SS agent with a bloodied cloth wiping the ear and face.

I’m not saying photos can’t be touched up, but I’ve looked quite hard for evidence. I’m also not saying an ear can’t be clipped. What I’m missing is good image of the moment from that side.

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Did u see the ‘shooter’ was an actor paid by Blackrock on their last year’s commercial??? 🤷🏻‍♀️

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WHY THE HELL DO YOU NOT CALL IT WHAT IT IS: Just ask Gates, Soros , the WEF , the WHOn, the U.N. all the Elites....it's their


likely all in on it! Just watch Dennis Meadows of the Club of Rome !


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‘He Had a Rifle!’ Trump Rally Attendee Says He Warned Police Gunman Was Crawling on Roof. So we are to believe a man was able to get that close with a rifle… without being seen or stopped by the police or Trump’s security. And that they ignored warnings of a man with a rifle and allowed Trump to continue to speak?

Multiple shots were fired in the direction of Trump. We are told that one member of the audience was killed. What happened to the other bullets that were fired?

How did they get to the roof and take the guy out so quickly? If the police and security detail purposely ignore warnings, wouldn’t they take their sweet assed time trying to kill the shooter? Wouldn’t they let him unleash at least one full clip at Trump before acting?

The weapon found at the scene was an AR type semi-automatic rifle that generally holds up to 30 rounds. Each pull of the trigger unleashes a round so the entire clip could be easily emptied in well under 10 seconds. Did anyone hear 30 rounds being fired? And if so did the shooter fire only two into the podium with the rest completely missing?

Surely if the shooter was on a suicide mission he’d try to wastes some of the men who were coming for him. Yet we hear not a single shot from the cornered rat.

He didn't see the guy on the roof before it all went down? Clip

Seems as if everyone except the security folks saw the guy on the roof! Clip


Anyone who thinks this is real... well I've got a 10th Safe and Effective booster shot for ya...

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And how were they so sure he was alone and not a group lol

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F**ck Francis..never my pope....fn globalist scum! Likely worships lucifer!

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Likely? U mean surely.

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As the seas get choppy, remember 2 things: 1) there is no religion higher than truth, and 2) nobody in power, even if they claim to be dissidents, is loyal to truth. Keep the ends out for the tie that binds. Stay open, skeptical, and unaffiliated. The liars who write this story, this script for the puppet show on the cave wall, will stop at nothing to maintain control. They’re trying to outflank the populist uprising, to herd it back into the fence line, while they continue to cull you. So a fat man got shot at and an innocent bystander died? And that has you mesmerized? Check the obituaries of large cities and square what you see with excess mortality data. There’s carnage of unspeakable dimensions occurring.

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True. Media has been used for DISTRACTIONS FROM TRUTHS for DECADES … if not CENTURIES of Censorships and Totures to protect $$$.

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Mike Adams is an operative. He has been pumping Civil War in America for years now.

This would be devastating for the people of America. How can anyone believe a person that instigates destruction and suffering?

Don't listen to this. Calm your emotions and don't be manipulated.

God Bless. God has got this. Have faith in God not Mike Adams.

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16 hrs ago

Liked by Fast Eddy

it was staged. no subject being shot at would have his head unprotected by secret service. period. as it is, he got up, fist pumped for cameras and after finally over some minutes, he goes to safety? did Regan fist pump? was his head left unprotected? how quickly was he taken away? this is stage 7 of the psyop playbook to remove a leader. we use it in other countries and the pdf of the unclassified psyop pdf is online.


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It was a photo-op operation for the win!

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Let us all pray for Trump we must keep him safe at all cost!

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Do you want more Death Shots?????

WTF is wrong with you people????


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No certainly not..i'm 81 not jabbed! I believe Trump was lied to by Fauci whom he would have relied on for this advise! And as far as future jabs I would never take

one...at my age it is the hill I would die on...I'm in Canada I will never take any of

their fn poison mandated or not! FTATH!

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20 January 2023, 11:27pm

Brody then asked Trump if he would effectively back up conspiracies claiming the vaccines are not as safe as regulators first claimed.

But rather than leaning into the claims that vaccines are unsafe—as he has done for decades—Trump instead touted the number of lives saved by the fast roll out of the vaccine.

“You have many reports that say the vaccines saved tens of millions of lives and without the vaccines you would have had a thing like we had in 1917,” Trump said, likely referring to the 1918 influenza pandemic.

Trump also took credit for getting the FDA to fast track the approval process from “maybe 5 or 12 years” to just nine months. He also baselessly claimed that “some say that I saved 100 million lives worldwide,” even though there is no evidence to suggest anyone ever made such a claim.

Trump’s comments quickly riled up the anti-vax community, which has a large overlap with his own base.


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Vax daddy refered back to the scam the spanish flu was, where they successfully killed millions w failed vaccines and called the radiation poisoning from introducing radio a ‘flu’ lol. Then they blamed spain, now w 5g, china. Same exact MO.

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Then why is he still pushing it, and why did i, a language teacher, know fauci was already guilty of the aids genocide but the president ‘does not’

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I agree with Mike Adam's. The deep state wants both Trump and Biden out of the picture

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No they want Trump in. That is why Biden suddenly has dementia and you hear 100 stories a day about it after they shadowed that story for 3 years. It is also why they bring all of this attention to show how tough Trump really is. No one can get him down! He's a fighter! See? The bad guys are trying to kill him! It brings more votes...and more money every time Trump is in "trouble."

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