
Thanks, Gregg Phillips, for the spectacular share!

If you found me from his post, I am also on Truth Social: https://truthsocial.com/@VigilantFox

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First, they don't care about where the food will come from. Secondly, research of UN documents show they plan to depopulate by 90% of the world population and seal of 75% of all land from any human presence. Ushering the rest of the sheep into the cities where they can be easily monitored and controlled. The fake war on fossil fuels is a smoke screen. The real war is against mobility. It is all spelled out UN Agenda 21 (2030 Agenda, Great Reset, Sustainable Development, Green New Deal all UN A21 renamed), The Wildlands Project and the Global Biodiversity Assessment (1100 page book) and connect the dots. They spelled it out loud and clear but people refuse to listen. Once they thin the herd if those left behind behave they will get a dish of insects and weeds to eat. Climate change is the global boogie man they created to hide the real agenda. The agenda is never the agenda you must always look behind the curtain. They have no concern for human life except their own. It is all about greed, control, power. It is global communism. And it is coming sooner than people know. It will take just one more catastrophe. Cyber attack, another bio-weapon, nuclear war, CCP invasion from the Mexican border???? Take your pick.

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If that is so, then make sure we use hard copy to keep the records. Time to print.

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Naomi Wolf reposted this. That’s how I caught it.

In WWII, some school teachers used the military actions in Europe, Africa, and the Pacific to teach geography. Everyone knew there was a war on, and they stayed abreast of developments—of course. Here in WWIII, part of the fight is to overcome the propaganda/information war just to convince fellow citizens that there’s a war on.

Thanks for doing your part.

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I just subscribed to your Substack, from a link I saw posted by Gregg Phillips on his Truth Social about this article. Are you on Twitter? There is an account with your name, but it is locked, and is a new account. If it is you I will follow. Thanks.

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Oh, wow. He shared this article? How cool!

I am on Twitter, but I have been banned twice now. Likely going to be three times soon, but this my account for now. https://twitter.com/VaxxedFox

I am also on truth social: https://truthsocial.com/@VigilantFox

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If you eat food, here is fact based evidence from a Canadian farmer based on experience not someone's story, not AI, and not mainstream media propaganda. https://youtu.be/LMG4kuEN_kM

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All pushed by NWO Covert Hostile evil-doers... who could care less about The Plebs.

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And why stand we here idle. Is life so dear or peace so sweet so as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery. Forbid it Almighty God. I know not what course others may take, but as for me give me liberty or give me death. This is a paraphrase of Patrick Henry’s speech to the Continental Congress so many years ago. I ask, why stand we here idle? We read these stories as if they were box scores of baseball games. This is serious business with serious ramifications. Why do we sit here and take this? Where is sanity? Where is common sense? If there ever was a time to dig one’s heels in, it is now. No more of this bullshit. Plant your acres. Don’t give up one inch of your land. That’s the hill to die on. These SOB’s have been stealing our lives and freedom for the past two years. Enough is enough!! Time to push back.

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The only way to combat this insanity is to DESTROY ALL THE EVIL ENTITIES THAT ARE IN EXISTENCE.. They will never change.. So we must make them perish

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"Where's the Food Going to Come From?"

From supermarkets. Derr!

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It's just recycled old school Communism--they have a long history of starving people for ideological reasons. And if you truly believe that there are simply too many people...then it makes sense! See, they have all these good intentions...

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We are under attack. When the heads come out of the sand, and hunger, and poverty, cover the land, WE will say, What Have WE DONE!

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